
I'm trying to bake lighting into vertex colors of meshes in a scene, using the following method:

  • change to Cycles rendering (Render > Render Engine > Cycles)
  • Add a color attribute to each 3D object.
  • Set bake target to Active Color Attribute (under Render > Bake)
  • Click Bake

This works fine when baking for a single object, but I want to be able to bake for multiple objects at the same time. However, when I click Bake after having selected multiple objects, I get an error saying Mesh does not have an active color attribute "Cube.194".

I've tried selecting the color attribute in the Data tab, but it seems like I can only select it for a single object at a time, so baking won't work with multiple objects selected.

Is there any way I can bake light into vertex colors of multiple meshes at the same time?



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