
I have an armature with a bunch of bones with zero length, and I can select one and do Select > Similar > Length to get all of the bones with no length, however I'm unable to scale bones since they have no length, or increase the length since the whole bone is selected.

I would like to be able to just select only tails of bones, or select a bunch of bones then change the selection so it only affects the tail.


1 Answer 1


I did actually figure this out, I'm just making this post in case other people need it. I select the bones i want the tail of and run this python script.

import bpy

bselect = bpy.context.selected_bones

for bone in bselect:
    bone.select_tail = True

I could have done bone.select = False and bone.select_head = False however it just didnt work to deselct the head. so not sure.


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