
enter image description here

i dont know it is not brigding, please help, in theory just selecting two loops and loop tools bridge could create faces and join structures, not happening.

  • 4
    $\begingroup$ You can only use Bridge Edge Loops if all the edges are part of a single object. You have two seperate objects selected in your image and are trying to bridge edges from each of them which won't work. Even if you used Ctrl-J to join them into one object the bridge will be very messy as you have two edges on the ring which have no vertices along them while the hole in the other object has vertices all round it plus the fact that the hole is offset in the face of the cylinder object. $\endgroup$
    – John Eason
    Commented Feb 5 at 14:26
  • 2
    $\begingroup$ Incidentally your question has nothing to do with shape keys so I've no idea why you've used that tag for it! $\endgroup$
    – John Eason
    Commented Feb 5 at 14:37
  • $\begingroup$ how can i solve it? ok thanks will correct $\endgroup$ Commented Feb 5 at 14:39

1 Answer 1


it is not perfect, but hopefully it helps you:

  1. join the two objects as John wrote

  2. Select these 2 vertices here:

enter image description here

Press F

enter image description here

  1. select these 2 vertices with shift-select:

enter image description here

  1. press F

enter image description here

  1. deselect these 2 vertices with shift-select

enter image description here

  1. now press F as long as you like the result

enter image description here

hope it helps.

  • $\begingroup$ Once the objects are joined Bridge Edge Loops will work once you've selected all the verts round each hole, but as I said the result will be very messy. It really needs the topology of both objects to be re-thought. $\endgroup$
    – John Eason
    Commented Feb 5 at 14:47
  • 1
    $\begingroup$ thanks, works like a charm, upvoted and marked $\endgroup$ Commented Feb 5 at 14:51

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