
I'm relatively inexperienced and am having trouble figuring out how to remove the freestyle lines between array duplicates. I'm also having trouble with freestyle going through objects 1

the building and street are both made from array modifiers, I can easily fix the street by making it one long object instead of using an array modifier but the building would be a lot harder to fix

I followed a tutorial to get the shaders and freestyle outlines to look this way

Does anyone know how to fix either of these problems?


1 Answer 1


Presumably, there is a mesh of faces at the juncture of the array. That face should penetrate and describe a line like a border.

If you remove it, the extra mesh will not appear.

enter image description here

If you must have extra lines, prepare a separate layer, and add edge marks to the edges. After that, you can composite the image separately by compositing.

enter image description here



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