
Sky texture is not showing any shadows and changing intensity in properties has no effect. Some other features are off too.

enter image description here

I tried changing elevation rotation everything still no effect.

  • $\begingroup$ Could you provide your Blender file using blend-exchange.com ? Could you detail what you mean by "Some other features are off too" ? $\endgroup$ Commented Jan 17 at 6:08
  • $\begingroup$ The Material Preview is primarily for showing the materials, as the name suggests, not the lighting conditions. $\endgroup$ Commented Jan 17 at 10:10

1 Answer 1


You are in Material preview mode, this mode works like Eevee, in this mode you won't have any shadow from the HDRI, if you are in Eevee and if you switch to Rendered preview you can fake the shadows though: Create a Light Probe> Irradiance Volume, in the Render panel > Indirect Lightint click on Bake Indirect Lighting.


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