
I have this 3d model that has separate limbs as different objects, and all the bones are parented as "Bone" except for a few of them which are deform bones. I have an animation that's supposed to play

Model Run Animation

But when I Export it into an FBX, the animation is there but it only works on like 1 part of the model.

enter image description here

I've unchecked Deform Bones Only In the export many so that's not the issue. I don't know what could be causing this, I've messed with the settings a ton and nothing has happened. How can I fix this?

  • 1
    $\begingroup$ I think you'll need to share your Blend file. You can share it via blend-exchange.com following the instructions there to copy the link on that page and then edit your question here and paste the link into it. $\endgroup$
    – John Eason
    Commented Dec 27, 2023 at 21:31


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