
I'm using mist in this node for compositing enter image description here And have run into the problem that a smoke domain using a volume shader is rendered as white enter image description here Is there any way to fix that? Or maybe getting the same mist effect in other way that takes volumes into account?

  • $\begingroup$ 4 years old post projects.blender.org/blender/blender/issues/68346 there is a workaround that I didnt understand how can be useful, but probably for you ... honestly I don't know how to imagine the volumetric pass should looks like. Mist or depth pass represents pixels in space ... where should be positioned a pixel of volume? It is the same like if you use GeoNodes to convert volume to mesh. The result of such thing wouldn't be useful for compositing at all. $\endgroup$
    – vklidu
    Commented Dec 22, 2023 at 11:14

1 Answer 1


OK so there is something you can do as workaround, but it requires some steps over (and probably impossible for complex scenes or shaders).

This scene is just Cube emitting smoke in box ...

enter image description here enter image description here

The only one thing (at the moment) that came to my mind is to render it separately with gradient shader.

Here Normalised in Compositor enter image description here enter image description here

Node group (used in all shaders). enter image description here

Solid objects enter image description here

Normally you could use blender's feature "Material Overwrite", so just by one click you can render scene with a single material, but since smoke requires different material you have to assign them manually. Or render smoke as separate layer and compose it into depth.


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