
How can I recreate this fluid simulation from 2.8 version to current 3.6 version? I do not see any 'obstacles' in fluid simulation.

I was following this tutorial "making water spill from backet in blender 2 8 fluid simulation part 2" to create a spilling water from a glass.

While following this tutorial from 2.8, I noticed that the 3.6 version has a different setting for fluid simulation.

For example, 2.8 version had 'Obstacle' for Fluid Type. But on my current version, I only see Effector, Domain, Flow, or None

2.8 version 2.8 version - fluid obstacle

3.6 version enter image description here

From 2.8 version, aroudn 10:18, they chose:

  • Fluid Type - Obstacle Settings
  • Volume Initialization: Shell

enter image description here

If you have any suggestions for fluid, how to make the liquid stay in the shape, please let me know!! Ideally, I would like to create a scene where a cup gets blown away by the wind and spill water.

  • $\begingroup$ obstacles is now called "effector". I think shell is now geometry (which means, the water is no inflow, but "one time water". $\endgroup$
    – Chris
    Commented Sep 18, 2023 at 5:28
  • $\begingroup$ I guess there will be more tweaking necessary, because 2.8 did not use Mantaflow for fluids and results might be very different in general, because it is a different simulation engine. From the 2.82 release notes when Mantaflow was introduced: "Mantaflow is the new physically-based fluid simulation framework in Blender for gas (smoke & fire) and liquid simulations. It completely replaces the existing fluid simulation systems and changes the way you work with fluids." If you want to work with fluids in new versions, you should watch some Mantaflow tutorials instead of the old ones. $\endgroup$ Commented Sep 18, 2023 at 6:16


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