
For my script I need to recursively iterate through bpy hierarchy and check if attributes suit several conditions. One of those conditions is if the attribute is an instance of the <class bpy_prop_array>, e.g. object Bounding Box. It can be done with Python embedded isinstance() method, but I need an access to the class itself. How can I get access to bpy_prop_array class? Where is it situated and how can it be imported to the script for this purpose? Or maybe there is some other way to check this condition?

I searched in bpy.types, in mathutils, in bpy_extras subclasses but could not find anything relative.


1 Answer 1


I've found it. To use bpy_prop_array in the code first we need to:

from bpy_types import bpy_types

and after that it can be found in bpy_types.bpy_prop_array


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