
I am quite new to blender and I would like to ask, if it's possible to set camera movement so that it could move every second keyframe(on twos). I have made 24fps grease pencil animation where one movement lasts for example 3 frames, other 5 frames, but it's just a sketch for now and I plan to make an animation on twos based on it. Therefore I need to make my camera also move on twos. I sincerely thank You in advance for Your help and understanding


1 Answer 1


Yes, it's quite easy.

Assuming you have already keyed motion for your camera, open up the Graph Editor.

enter image description here

With your Camera object selected you can use A to select all of its keyframes in the graph editor window. Add a Stepped Interpolation F-Curve Modifier with a step size of 2.

enter image description here

This window is found in the N-panel, fyi.

This just adds the modifier to one channel, so you can use those two buttons in the top right to first copy, and then paste that modifier to all channels.

enter image description here

enter image description here

This does add an extra modifier on the currently selected channel. I don't think you're allowed to have duplicates so it's disabled and doesn't matter, but for completeness sake I guess I should advise to delete it.

I suppose in the event that a new channel gets keyed you'd just have to remember to go add this modifier. Or you'd remember when the animation looks off. ;)

  • $\begingroup$ Thank You so much!!! It worked :D $\endgroup$
    – Karolina
    Commented Dec 16, 2022 at 10:26

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