
So I am trying to figure out how to make this base shape. I've tried array modifier with a circle curve, but that makes my pieces separate and not connected.

enter image description here

So far I have this simple outline, but not sure how to make the top pieces beveled properly since the angles are not fully straight.

enter image description here

Is there any easy solution to making these curved tops?

If I extrude and make bevels it looks like this but it's not angle properly and seems incorrect

enter image description here

  • $\begingroup$ Did you create the thickness with a Solidify modifier or else? Is the top row of faces vertically flat or angled according to the side walls? $\endgroup$ Commented Oct 7, 2022 at 6:50
  • $\begingroup$ I made a circle with 12 verts then extruded up and extruded inwards then scaled the top face with z to 0 so they stay flat, but those 2 edges are slightly angled so beveling doesn't work for a simple solution $\endgroup$
    – jrjay1
    Commented Oct 7, 2022 at 7:02
  • $\begingroup$ have u tried using a weld modifier after the array modifier so that they get connected? $\endgroup$
    – Chris
    Commented Oct 7, 2022 at 7:04
  • $\begingroup$ I would remove the inner walls and use a Solidify modifier, this makes it easier. You can apply the Solidify afterwards if you need it as "real" mesh. $\endgroup$ Commented Oct 7, 2022 at 7:06
  • $\begingroup$ @chris how would the weld modifier connect the pieces made by the array modifier? $\endgroup$
    – jrjay1
    Commented Oct 7, 2022 at 7:09

3 Answers 3

  1. Delete the inner walls and just keep the outside faces. You can add thickness with a Solidify modifier (now or after creating the rounded tops, doesn't matter).

outside walls

  1. Go into an orthographic view from the front or right, whereever you have your reference. Move the top edge further up with G Z and scale it with S so that it covers the shape you want to achieve.

extend shape

  1. Create a loop cut with Ctrl+R and slide it up to where the rounded tops should start.

loop cut

  1. Now select the top edge again. From the viewport menu, choose Mesh > Split > Faces & Edges by Vertices. You might not see a difference immediately, but each vertex on the top edge is now split in two vertices.

split vertices

  1. While they are all still selected, press Ctrl+Shift+B to bevel the vertices. Like edge bevel you can scroll the mouse wheel to get more or less segments. Hit C to clamp the effect so that vertices can't go past each other. Left-click or Enter to confirm.

bevel vertices

  1. Now this might look too rounded, so directly after beveling there is the tool options menu on the bottom right. Change the default Offset in the Width Type dropbox to something else, like Percent for example and change the value for width. This looks less rounded.

width type

  1. At last, hit A to select all, then M > Merge > By Distance to get rid of the doubled vertices that might be there because of the clamped bevel.

merge by distance

If you now add a Solidify modifier to the object (or already have one), the result looks like this:



You could create a 12 vertex cylinder with Cap Fill Type > Triangle Fan, remove 11/12 segments:

enter image description here

Subdivide vertically, move up the top vertice with the Proportional Editing (Sphere) activated:

enter image description here

Create an empty at the same position as the object origin, give your object an Array modifier, Object Offset mode with the empty as Object, rotate the empty 30° on Z:

enter image description here

Give your object a Lattice modifier, scale down the bottom of your lattice, give your object a Solidify modifier in order to give it thickness:

enter image description here

Shade smooth your object, activate the Auto Smooth option:

enter image description here


This could be a place for Simple Deform > Taper, so you can work in convenient axes.

Staring with a 12-sided topless cylinder:

  • Mark all edges with Bevel Weight 1
  • Subdivide all with 2 cuts
  • Use CtrlShiftNumpad + to select every mid- section edge around the top, and GZ raise to rough half-circles:

enter image description here

.. and then you're ready for:

enter image description here

  • Simple Deform > Taper
  • Solidify ('Complex', 'Even', 'None')
  • Bevel (by Weight, 2 segments, Shape profile: 1)
  • Subdivision Surface

enter image description here


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