
I have a problem, I use a mesh of about 230,000 vertices and 500,000 faces, it contains vertex groups, suppose you have to query a vertex group database and this returns some of them that you want to select on blender, my function it is good when I have to select 2-3 vertex_group but in a bad case where I have to select them all then my works take a long time to run. To give you an idea, the largest vertex group contains 40,000 vertices. What could I do?

def select_vertex(obj, vertex_group):
    bpy.context.view_layer.objects.active = obj 

    vertices = obj.data.vertices

    for vertex in vertices:
        for vgroup in vertex.groups:
                vertices[vertex.index].select = True

Imagine that this function is inside a loop that iterates through all the tuples that my query returned so "obj" will be my mesh while "vertex_group" the index of the vertex_group that i want to select



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