
I am currently writing a glsl shader in the bge,

My question is, if I have glsl embedded into my python script, how can I if possible share memory/variables between my glsl and my python so the below is both valid and functioning.

I would like it so that i in f is the same as the i in the for loop.

print("creating shads")
FragmentShaders = []

for i in range(257):
    f = """        
        varying vec4 maps[256];
        void main()
          gl_FragColor = maps[i];//this is not valid because i doesn't exist here.


print("end of shads")

the rest of the code works perfectly, but I see no reason to put it here.


1 Answer 1


to my surprise the bge keeps glsl functions as strings until they're in use, but for some reason you can't use replace on them. Therefore if you want to share memory between a glsl shader and the bge you can do something like this below. worked great for me anyway.

for i in range(257):
    f = """        
        varying vec4 maps[256];
        void main()
          gl_FragColor = maps[100];//this is not valid because i doesn't exist here.





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