
Is it possible to use the animation data generated by the explode modifier for an animation in the game engine? If you start with the object you want to blow up, subdivide it, add a particle system, set the settings to make the particles go boom, then add the explode modifier, You will have a nice explosion. However, particle systems are not supported in the game engine, so Even if the object you want to blow up is set to play the animation using the action actuator, nothing will happen in the game engine. I have tried applying the explode modifier, but all that does, is create a mesh based on the particle system data for the selected frame. Is there a way to use the animation data from the explode modifier as a action in the game engine?


1 Answer 1


This is not possible to do using the explode modifier through the particle system. However, you can use a rigid body simulation to simulate the debris, and animate each piece. Those animations can then by played in the game engine.

enter image description here


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