
I am trying to simulate jam being spread across a burger bun. I want to use geometry nodes to do this. The end result will look like this: enter image description here And I want to appear on the bun like it's being spread (I will animate a knife later). I have tried to use a curve to do this, along with the trim curve node. But it was a headache getting the result I wanted. Then I tried to use a proximity node to delete geometry, but the result came out all jagged. My thought is that I should somehow scale the geometry from one end to another. Is there a simple way to do this? Here's an annotated picture to illustrate the movement of the animation: enter image description here


1 Answer 1


enter image description here

The relevant part is the framed one below, as the other aspects can be linked to your actual jam model.

enter image description here

The idea is to delete geometry where for all that is in front of the knife with a little random variation around it.

For the upper part of the node tree (a subdivided plane) I think that could be you model instead, if subdivided a bit.


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