
I saw this example of how to select objects by name with a script, I would like to know if anyone knows how to modify it to be able to select all the objects with the subdivision surface modifier.

Thank you very much

# Deselect all objects

for o in bpy.data.objects:
    # Check for given object names
    if o.name in ("Cube.026","Cube.027","Cube.028"):

1 Answer 1


First approximation

Gives you a list of objects matching the criteria in the current scene

import bpy

mlist = [xbbb for xbbb in bpy.data.objects if [xxx for xxx in xbbb.modifiers  if 'SUBSURF' == xxx.type and xbbb.name in bpy.context.scene.objects]]

for bbb in mlist:

mlist = [xbbb for xbbb in bpy.data.objects if [xxx for xxx in xbbb.modifiers if 'SUBSURF' == xxx.type and xbbb.name in bpy.context.scene.objects]]

Please make suitable adjustments. You may need to horizontal scroll to see all above.

More verbose and across all scenes

[xbbb for xbbb in bpy.data.objects if len([xxx for xxx in xbbb.modifiers if 'SUBSURF' == xxx.type])]

Please see Python comprehension list


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