
enter image description here

I'm trying to initiate the process of texture-painting in this object but when I turn to the texture paint mode, the object turns flat. All the shadows are gone.

Searching for some explanations, I found out that the solution is just to open the overlays menu and turn the Texture Paint opacity to zero. Turns out this does not solve the problem, since I need the shading elements to a texture-painting I can see, like in the second image, down below.

How can I solve that?

enter image description here


3 Answers 3


Perhaps you just need to turn on the Shadow and Cavity in Viewport Shading tab as below: enter image description here

  • $\begingroup$ Thank's for the help, but it doesn't change nothing, unfortunately. The model stays the same. =( $\endgroup$ Commented Oct 17, 2019 at 21:15

You can setup a shader on your object to use your image texture. Add a new material tor your object and select your image texture.

enter image description here

If you prefer using the node tree :

enter image description here

Don't forget to go into material preview mode while you paint :

enter image description here


Have you tried changing the Viewport Shading to Material Preview or Rendered?

Viewport Shading: Material Preview


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