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Need help with the Maths of these nodes Geometry Nodes messes up Vector Displacement

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Orange Cat
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Please help me check out the Maths of these nodes.

I’m combining the Shader Nodes and Geometry Nodes to create something. This “Multiple Boxes”Balls” object is using Geometry Nodes to assign “Individual Box”Ball” object as instances on it.

enter image description hereenter image description here

What I want to achieve is, enter image description here wherever I slide the red colored node to, the instances get spiked up and that part is colored darker blue, which exactly is happening with the desired version on the right (it is done without Geometry Nodes, it’s just 5 boxes being copypasted manually). And the failed version on the left fails to display what I want and it uses Geometry Nodes, so I suspect that the problem comes from Geometry Nodes instead of Shader Nodes.

Blender file:

Thank you!

Please help me check out the Maths of these nodes.

I’m combining the Shader Nodes and Geometry Nodes to create something. This “Multiple Boxes” object is using Geometry Nodes to assign “Individual Box” object as instances on it.

enter image description here

What I want to achieve is, enter image description here wherever I slide the red colored node to, the instances get spiked up and that part is colored darker blue, which exactly is happening with the desired version on the right (it is done without Geometry Nodes, it’s just 5 boxes being copypasted manually). And the failed version on the left fails to display what I want and it uses Geometry Nodes, so I suspect that the problem comes from Geometry Nodes instead of Shader Nodes.

Blender file:

Thank you!

Please help me check out the Maths of these nodes.

I’m combining the Shader Nodes and Geometry Nodes to create something. This “Multiple Balls” object is using Geometry Nodes to assign “Individual Ball” object as instances on it.

enter image description here

What I want to achieve is, enter image description here wherever I slide the red colored node to, the instances get spiked up and that part is colored darker blue, which exactly is happening with the desired version on the right (it is done without Geometry Nodes, it’s just 5 boxes being copypasted manually). And the failed version on the left fails to display what I want and it uses Geometry Nodes, so I suspect that the problem comes from Geometry Nodes instead of Shader Nodes.

Blender file:

Thank you!

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Orange Cat
  • 612
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Need help with the Maths of these nodes

Please help me check out the Maths of these nodes.

I’m combining the Shader Nodes and Geometry Nodes to create something. This “Multiple Boxes” object is using Geometry Nodes to assign “Individual Box” object as instances on it.

enter image description here

What I want to achieve is, enter image description here wherever I slide the red colored node to, the instances get spiked up and that part is colored darker blue, which exactly is happening with the desired version on the right (it is done without Geometry Nodes, it’s just 5 boxes being copypasted manually). And the failed version on the left fails to display what I want and it uses Geometry Nodes, so I suspect that the problem comes from Geometry Nodes instead of Shader Nodes.

Blender file:

Thank you!