
I've noticed that the amount of questions posted on BSE has sky rocketed. That's implying a sudden rise in the interest in Blender? If I'm not mistaken, the first ever question on BSE was posted 10 years ago or more than 100,000 questions ago. I remember 2 or 3 months ago we reached 100,000 questions and now are suddenly up 10% to almost 110,000 in such a short period of time. We will be at 200,000 questions in no time. I was wondering if there was data on this available, like a chart we could view of the amount of questions posted over time?

enter image description here


1 Answer 1


Data Stack Exchange API will let you build SQL Queries to get whatever stats you want about a stack exchange site.

I don't know enough about SQL to build one, but Bill the Lizard already did the ground work for us, so I adapted to get the number of questions per month per year.

SELECT count(Id), MONTH(CreationDate), YEAR(CreationDate)
  FROM Posts
  WHERE PostTypeId = 1
  GROUP BY YEAR(CreationDate), MONTH(CreationDate)
  ORDER BY YEAR(CreationDate), MONTH(CreationDate)

You can test it at https://data.stackexchange.com/blender/query/1774167/total-questions-per-month-year

After extracting the output CSV file into a spreadsheet editor we can compute a partial sum column.

Year Month Questions Total
2013 May 138 138
2013 Jun 262 400
2013 Jul 164 564
2013 Aug 188 752
2013 Sep 174 926
2013 Oct 179 1105
2013 Nov 213 1318
2013 Dec 265 1583
2014 Jan 285 1868
2014 Feb 294 2162
2014 Mar 306 2468
2014 Apr 333 2801
2014 May 325 3126
2014 Jun 312 3438
2014 Jul 344 3782
2014 Aug 329 4111
2014 Sep 324 4435
2014 Oct 445 4880
2014 Nov 393 5273
2014 Dec 479 5752
2015 Jan 600 6352
2015 Feb 562 6914
2015 Mar 618 7532
2015 Apr 547 8079
2015 May 676 8755
2015 Jun 586 9341
2015 Jul 685 10026
2015 Aug 817 10843
2015 Sep 656 11499
2015 Oct 658 12157
2015 Nov 643 12800
2015 Dec 705 13505
2016 Jan 805 14310
2016 Feb 753 15063
2016 Mar 771 15834
2016 Apr 712 16546
2016 May 823 17369
2016 Jun 827 18196
2016 Jul 848 19044
2016 Aug 804 19848
2016 Sep 827 20675
2016 Oct 896 21571
2016 Nov 801 22372
2016 Dec 757 23129
2017 Jan 907 24036
2017 Feb 815 24851
2017 Mar 862 25713
2017 Apr 769 26482
2017 May 664 27146
2017 Jun 769 27915
2017 Jul 967 28882
2017 Aug 934 29816
2017 Sep 827 30643
2017 Oct 856 31499
2017 Nov 831 32330
2017 Dec 771 33101
2018 Jan 848 33949
2018 Feb 856 34805
2018 Mar 942 35747
2018 Apr 810 36557
2018 May 921 37478
2018 Jun 832 38310
2018 Jul 874 39184
2018 Aug 838 40022
2018 Sep 823 40845
2018 Oct 760 41605
2018 Nov 827 42432
2018 Dec 925 43357
2019 Jan 1137 44494
2019 Feb 1061 45555
2019 Mar 1100 46655
2019 Apr 1052 47707
2019 May 916 48623
2019 Jun 904 49527
2019 Jul 1098 50625
2019 Aug 1413 52038
2019 Sep 1146 53184
2019 Oct 1047 54231
2019 Nov 1070 55301
2019 Dec 1117 56418
2020 Jan 1228 57646
2020 Feb 1182 58828
2020 Mar 1296 60124
2020 Apr 1423 61547
2020 May 1556 63103
2020 Jun 1638 64741
2020 Jul 1505 66246
2020 Aug 1386 67632
2020 Sep 1313 68945
2020 Oct 1283 70228
2020 Nov 1245 71473
2020 Dec 1231 72704
2021 Jan 1381 74085
2021 Feb 1390 75475
2021 Mar 1398 76873
2021 Apr 1249 78122
2021 May 1197 79319
2021 Jun 1161 80480
2021 Jul 1196 81676
2021 Aug 1085 82761
2021 Sep 1082 83843
2021 Oct 985 84828
2021 Nov 983 85811
2021 Dec 1161 86972
2022 Jan 1470 88442
2022 Feb 1069 89511
2022 Mar 1255 90766
2022 Apr 1244 92010
2022 May 1145 93155
2022 Jun 1126 94281
2022 Jul 1165 95446
2022 Aug 1306 96752
2022 Sep 1139 97891
2022 Oct 1167 99058
2022 Nov 1130 100188
2022 Dec 1159 101347
2023 Jan 1192 102539
2023 Feb 1147 103686
2023 Mar 1130 104816
2023 Apr 1009 105825
2023 May 1065 106890
2023 Jun 946 107836
2023 Jul 1109 108945
2023 Aug 194 109139

Using your favorite office suite you can then build a beautiful line chart.

Blender Stack Exchange Total Questions per year line chart 2023

  • $\begingroup$ Nice! thanks for your answer! very cool that we can query different types of data. $\endgroup$
    – Harry McKenzie Mod
    Commented Aug 8, 2023 at 5:00
  • 1
    $\begingroup$ Very interesting. We can say in hindsight that the Blender team and community had a great impact on the hearsay for the 2.8 version (around 2020). Of course we can also suppose that the number has been inflated due to worldwide events at the time but the trend makes sense. FWIW here's the query (I think) for number of answers per month/year data.stackexchange.com/blender/revision/1791006/2175136/… $\endgroup$
    – Gorgious
    Commented Oct 13, 2023 at 9:29
  • 1
    $\begingroup$ It was indeed a turning point, 2.8 made Blender become more "mainstream", and brought a huge influx of new people. It was released in 2019, though, but you can see the effects of its beta ramping up as early as 2018 already. 2020 consolidated the growth with the pandemics and a lot of people locked up at home with extra time on their hands to dedicate to new hobbies. Thanks for the query, gotta sharpen my skills in SQL, seems like a useful tool $\endgroup$ Commented Oct 13, 2023 at 10:17

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