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Questions tagged [bwa]

bwa (Burrows-Wheeler Aligner) is a software for aligning reads obtained with Next Generation Sequencing.

4 votes
2 answers

Running bwa mem and samtools in one script on a linux cluster

I am trying to write a script that will run this line from ...
Lucy Kelly's user avatar
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bwa mem hangs after a few thousand reads

I am trying to align a bunch of paired sample fastq files using bwa mem. My original command was: ...
padakpatek's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

low mapping percentage in bwa mem

After aligning paired-end reads to a reference genome, I am getting low percentage: ...
Moon's user avatar
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2 answers

what does 8 stands for in bwa mem command line

What does this command implies in bwa mem bwa mem -t 8 index/referencegenome.fna read1.fastq.gz read2.fastq.gz > output.sam""" What does ...
Moon's user avatar
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2 answers

Reference genome (bwa -mem)

I want to do mapping with bwa mem. I downloaded a reference genome from ncbi database which is (Danaus plexippus). I got one file which contain 2 ...
Moon's user avatar
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Can bwameth accept unaligned Bam?

Does bwameth accept bam (unaligned) type as input or I will have to convert unaligned bam to fastq (samtools fastq bam) to use ...
aerijman's user avatar
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What can be the bias of aligning paired-reads in a single-end mode?

I don't know if I'm in the right place but I have a technical problem to fix. I would have to align paired-end reads from Illumina sequencing to compare a normal genome with a tumor one. When I align ...
cucalorda's user avatar
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BWA-mem and sambamba read group line error

this question has been asked [and answered] on Stack Overflow This is a two-part question: help interpreting an error; help with coding. I'm trying to run bwa-mem ...
Gustavo de Miranda's user avatar
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How does split reads look like in sam files?

I used bwa mem to align the DNA with the reference genome. If there are split reads (chimeric reads, come from two different parts of the genome), will it be split into two lines rather than one line?
Wang Ming's user avatar
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1 answer

BWA mem | samtools view: Intermittent parsing error

Update The issue was that bwa was running out of memory and failing, but that error wasn't floating to the top (see @Steve's answer, below). I was getting an error ...
Mark Ebbert's user avatar
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Compare mapped reads from BWA -MEM and STAR from .bam files

I want to find and compare the results from STAR and BWA- MEM mapped. I have 150bp paired end reads in sorted.bam files in each case and i want to find in each case uniquely mapped reads, number of ...
user3683485's user avatar
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How fo force nextflow to repeat a process until all values in a particular channels are used up BUT a single value from another channel is needed

I am trying to find a hack for getting a process to run until all emissions in a channel are used up. The problem is that the process also takes as input a second channel that only has a single ...
jh_'s user avatar
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1 answer

Why does BWA MEM orientation contradict my library prep method

I have some RNA-seq data from a stranded paired end library prep, with dUTP and UDG preparation, so the orientation should be RF (confirmed with sequencing provider). I assembled the reads with ...
NatWH's user avatar
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Slow bwa shm "preloading" into memory

Coming from devops background, working on automating usual genomics pipelines, I am benchmarking existing pipelines in order to choose cloud resources properly. Past week most of work was on testing <...
titus's user avatar
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Trying to create a .bam file without the need for a .sam file

I'm trying to use the code specified in this link to create a .bam file without the need for a .sam file. Here is the code I'm using: ...
Connor's user avatar
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