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Questions tagged [ngs]

use for general applications of high-throughput nucleotide sequencing methods that use short-read technology (e.g. Illumina, IonTorrent). For long-read sequencing, use 'long-read', or a more specific tag if applicable (e.g. nanopore, pacbio).

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Are there packages that can infer a sample's aneuploid cell proportion using sequencing data?

I have low-coverage WGS data from embryonic tissue (4-6 cells taken from early embryonic tissue). The exact number of cells is unknown and there's no strong prior on the aneuploid fraction, but I don'...
actinidia's user avatar
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"BLASTx for miRNA Annotation: Mature vs. Primary miRNAs as Query Sequences"

I am doing miRNA annotation of a plant genome. I have two files - one containing all the predicted mature miRNAs and another containing all the predicted primary miRNAs. I want to find out which are ...
learnwithscholar's user avatar
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Recent Bioinformatics Graduate Seeking Resources for NGS and Drug Discovery [closed]

I recently graduated with a bachelor's degree in bioinformatics. Unfortunately, the bioinformatics program at my university was limited, and I'm feeling the need to expand my knowledge in specific ...
MFG's user avatar
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3 votes
3 answers

Best practices for handling single-end and paired-end data in a Snakemake pipeline

I am fairly new to Snakemake and am building an NGS data processing pipeline to align ChIP-seq data and call peaks on it, plus some other analyses. The data can be single-end or paired-end, depending ...
Whitehot's user avatar
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Where to obtain fastq_illumina_filter

I'm setting up a snakemake pipeline for my lab, and I'd like to install fastq_illumina_filter. All links I can find point to this address for info on it, but the website seems to be down. Is there ...
Whitehot's user avatar
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Issues with adapter trimming (Trim Galore)

I am new to coding and especially new to bioinformatics so I am sorry if this is a dumb question. Nevertheless, I am attempting to run Trim Galore! to trim my paired RNAseq data, there are no error ...
tphinney's user avatar
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RNA-seq QC and alignment error in script

I am analyzing bulk RNA-seq data for Paired-End. I have separate scripts for fastqc, STAR & qualimap but want to run them in a single script which looks like this USAGE: sh <path/to/...
S_Malik's user avatar
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GBS- 'Failure' in, Per base sequence content, Sequence Duplication Levels, and Adapter Content

I have a GBS sequence on the Illumina platform that in the FASTQC quality report has “Failure” in : Per tile sequence quality, Per base sequence content, Sequence Duplication Levels and Adapter ...
Gabriela Carvalho da Silva's user avatar
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How to extract the mutations specific to cancer after variant annotation in NGS analysis

I am working on B cell lymphoma of dogs to identify the specific type of mutations related to this disease. I am performing NGS whole genome sequencing analysis. I have performed the variant ...
Navya Vadlamudi's user avatar
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How much data to expect from metabarcoding?

I am about to conduct my first metabarcoding study. We will be using the ITS amplicon to look at fungal community composition in soil samples. I need to write a data management plan before I actually ...
Rendzina's user avatar
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SNP Signatures with Limited WGS Data:

On 80 WGS samples, I'm dissecting SNP signatures linked to milk production in a scarcely studied animal. Post-variant calling and QC association analysis have been tricky. I'm here to tap into our ...
M.Bioinfo's user avatar
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5 votes
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Can index hopping lead to more reads in samples?

We run multiple samples for sequencing on an Illumina NovaSeq machine. After converting the files to fastq format using bcl2fastq, we can see that we have some ...
Assa Yeroslaviz's user avatar
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I'm trying to run aTRAM tool for assembly, but i'm stuck on this error:

Code: ...
Ro S's user avatar
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split fastq file containing a sequence block at different locations

I have some fastq files (obtained from nanopore sequencing) that contain reads that can be of either of these 5 forms: a known CDS with 3'UTR: ...
jetpacks_reno's user avatar
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Approaches for filtering bacterial/fungal contaminant sequences from RADseq results

I'm working with RADseq data (288 compressed FASTQ files, *.fq.gz) from 3 plates of plant tissue. I've done demultiplexing and preliminary QC (using the Stacks <...
akoontz11's user avatar
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