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Questions tagged [nutrition]

What foods and drinks are suitable for cycling and training.

5 votes
4 answers

Is high-carbs consumption during Z2 rides efficient for weight-loss?

I am bit overweight (BMI: 30+, 89kg/170cm), riding regularly 3 times a week, 2hrs/50+km/flat road each time. Rides are mostly in Z2, with occasional Z4 ride (once every 2-3 rides). I enjoy the rides, ...
Yellow Red Man's user avatar
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Is it possible to use a glucose monitor to determine when to fuel?

This is a sequel question. The hunger trigger is all but obscure over long bike rides. It is possible, for example, to keep on riding until muscle glycogen, blood sugar, and liver glycogen are ...
Sam7919's user avatar
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4 answers

Is there an established system (intervals, total intake) for fueling over longer rides to avoid a drop in performance?

I have a supply of 100-calorie food (gels). I go on 2400-calorie rides with a group. (The number is merely my cyclometer's estimate.) In previous similar rides, I found that I remained among the third ...
Sam7919's user avatar
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Should I add my base metabolic rate to a calorie estimate from a ride?

Hı, I am beginner in cycling . I learned my body's Base Metabolic Rate (BMR) is burning 1700 calories at rest. For example I burned 2000 calories in 4 hour cycling workout. Should I eat 2000 burnt ...
Onehuman's user avatar
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How does one extrapolate riding calories to fellow riders?

A 30-kg child, a 60-kg adult, and a 90-kg adult go on a bike ride. The 60-kg adult uses a cyclocomputer, which knows the weight of the adult—and gender and age, as well as the weight of the bike. At ...
Sam7919's user avatar
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Blood sugar spikes from high GI foods - a problem?

I read a lot of people saying you shouldn't fuel with sugary/high GI (Glycaemic Index)1 foods, as you'll get a blood sugar spike, an insulin release to cope with it, and then a subsequent blood sugar ...
Wilskt's user avatar
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From the perspective of a cyclist, what is a common way to hydrate throughout the day?

A couple of nights ago, I went for a ride. My destination was only about 4 miles away from my house, and it was a downhill journey. Of course, I had to ride back up many hills to get back home, and ...
LondonGuy's user avatar
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6 answers

What is the minimum carb intake to not bonk (but also not put on weight)?

Going on long bike rides (or otherwise doing any form of endurance workout) can result in "hitting the wall" or "bonking". The well-known solution is to be mindful of one's carb ...
Sam7919's user avatar
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3 answers

Do you oscillate your diet along with your riding?

Briefly If on alternate days you cycle and rest, and your ride uses, say, 1200 calories, what's better, to eat 2600 calories daily (and then where does the deficit come from on the riding days?) or to ...
Sam7919's user avatar
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2 answers

Why is lactose never mentioned as a fuel for cycling, either for short fast races or endurance?

Sucrose, dextrose, glucose and fructose, but never lactose. Why not, what's wrong with it as a source of fuel?
DonnyG's user avatar
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Glycogen depletion, post-brief-ride recovery, and diet adjustment

On a mountain bike I had been working my way to minimize the time it takes me to do a 25-km round-trip. Then on a road bike I have been trying to do the same for a 40-km round-trip. My objective on ...
Sam7919's user avatar
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Are there any studies on fat burning in performance cyclists?

I know if you're dawdling along you can eat pretty much anything to keep you going, but if you're putting in effort you need to take on carbs/sugars, right? Anecdotally from a pro coach who said it ...
Wilskt's user avatar
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3 answers

How quickly can the body restore energy reserves mid-ride/post-bonk, and how do we optimise this?

I'm interested in how we can maximise restoring energy stores (mainly glycogen, but I'm deliberately being vague) either between closely spaced rides or on long rides. I ask in the context of a ...
Chris H's user avatar
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4L of water and 2 max protein bars. Is it sufficient for a four hour ride? [closed]

I am from India and it's really tough getting gels. So I thought I'd put for protein bars which are pretty easy to get. But Alot of people say to have carbohydrates every hour of your ride. Can anyone ...
roaibrain's user avatar
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Do I need to be aware of my diet?

I have recently started biking consistently: commute 2x 5km@12min from/to school + 1x 12km@22min in the evening before dinner almost everyday. Now I started reading and viewing deeper into the "...
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