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1 vote

Should I convert local time to UTC when computing the sun's position?

The time zone for the input to the equations is Universal Time (UT). The Universal Time is determined from the time on your clock ("local time") and the time offset from UTC=0. UT is used ...
JohnHoltz's user avatar
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3 votes

How did the Local Interstellar Cloud form?

Edit: I found an answer The Local Intertellar Cloud is a low density region embedded in an even lower density region, called the Local Bubble. The Local Bubble was created by numerous stellar winds ...
jack_O'Dim's user avatar
0 votes

Should I convert local time to UTC when computing the sun's position?

You should use local sideral time for calculations (again, I emphasize local, otherwise you will increase your work and over-complicate the entire process), then it is easy to convert the time you ...
Polaris5744's user avatar
9 votes

Always orient a sundial towards polar north?

There's another possible solution: tilt the sundial's dial plate so that it aligns with the earth surface at the "nominal longitude" for your timezone, while the gnomon still is aligned with ...
Ralf Kleberhoff's user avatar
19 votes

Always orient a sundial towards polar north?

A sundial needs to be aligned with the planet's axis of rotation, with the gnomon pointed in towards the nearest pole, for it to work correctly. The point of the shadow will then give you your Local ...
Chappo Hasn't Forgotten's user avatar
12 votes

Can a star be made of sun spots?

A sunspot is made out of the same stuff as the rest of the sun, it's just a relatively cool spot. Because it's cooler, it puts out less and redder light, but it's only dark in comparison to the rest ...
Darth Pseudonym's user avatar
31 votes

Can a star be made of sun spots?

A sunspot is made of the same matter as the rest of the sun. The sun is a mixture of hydrogen and helium (and a trace of other elements) A sunspot is exactly the same mix. The only difference is that ...
James K's user avatar
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