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Why do so many moons in the solar system orbit retrograde?

Outer orbits have a lower velocity than inner orbits. See red arrows in sketch. From a Jovian inertial frame of reference, outer (solar) orbits are in the opposite direction from inner (solar) orbits....
Woody's user avatar
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Could two moons orbit each other around a planet?

If you replace the question: "Would it be possible for two moons to naturally orbit each other, while orbiting the planet?" ...with the equivalent question: "Would it be possible for ...
Russell McMahon's user avatar
3 votes

Could two moons orbit each other around a planet?

A small moon, located at a L4 or L5 point formed from a parent planet and larger moon, is in effect an orbiter about both larger objects simultaneously. The Saturnian moons Tethys and Dione have such ...
Oscar Lanzi's user avatar
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Could two moons orbit each other around a planet?

A binary or double star is two stars which orbit around their common center of gravity. A multiple star system would have three or more stars orbiting. A four star system might have two binary stars ...
M. A. Golding's user avatar
3 votes

Could two moons orbit each other around a planet?

Yes, it is totally possible, I guess you are referring to the situation called submoon, there are potential candidates, but right now there is no confirmed case. But if you consider Sun as a central ...
Polaris5744's user avatar

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