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Questions tagged [time-domain-astronomy]

For questions relating to the study of how and why objects in the cosmos change on timescales from seconds to decades, both in photometric and spectroscopic datasets. Not for questions about the nature of time. There may be a more specific tag, such as variable stars or supernovae

3 votes
1 answer

Automated (and hopefully free) systems I can subscribe to sending email or SMS text message when the T Coronae Borealis Nova becomes visible?

My earlier question about predicted potentially observable events Has a gravitational microlensing event ever been predicted? If so, has it been observed? is limited to microlensing. Now I have just ...
uhoh's user avatar
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Time domain astronomy and fastest eclipsing binary ZTF J1539+5027 (+20 mag, 6.91 minutes): How to measure its minimum brightness?

Per Wikipedia's ZTF J153932.16+502738.8 ZTF J153932.16+502738.8 is a double binary white dwarf with an orbital period of just 6.91 minutes. [...] The light curve shows eclipses. One dip in the light ...
uhoh's user avatar
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2 answers

Do ASKAP and ALMA have "fast dump" interferometric modes? Can they see and perhaps report Fast Radio Bursts in real time?

Chatterjee et al 2017 The direct localization of a fast radio burst and its host nicely shows a VLA detection of a repeating FRB in 5 millisecond steps nicely demonstrating the dispersion slope ...
uhoh's user avatar
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22 votes
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Multi-messenger astronomy: what is the potential of simultaneous detection of gravitational waves and neutrinos from a supernova?

Thanks to the efforts of the aLIGO team, gravitational wave astronomy is a reality. At the same time, neutrino detectors like Hyperkamiokande are becoming much more sensitive. My question is: what ...
ProfRob's user avatar
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5 votes
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Is "magnetars don't last long — just a year to a few years" really true? Is it a misquote or perhaps taken out of context?

NASA's Two Sides of the Same Star discusses the relationship between pulsars and magnetars and contains a video also linked below. At 02:13 it quotes "Tom ...
uhoh's user avatar
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What is the fraction of the time that the JWST could view a short transient event on-demand as a function of position on the celestial sphere?

In this answer to Why does JWST have such a big Blind Spot? I argue that this space telescope primary relationship with time is that it strives to look way back in it and so as long as a given ...
uhoh's user avatar
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Are astronomers still using photomultiplier tubes for optical photometry?

In Time domain astronomy and fastest eclipsing binary ZTF J1539+5027 (+20 mag, 6.91 minutes) How to measure it's minimum brightness? I've written A logarithmic magnitude scale might tend to show ...
uhoh's user avatar
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