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Questions tagged [tess]

Questions about the Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite (TESS)

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Computing Algol's apparent magnitude from TESS observation data

A helpful developer downloaded a light curve of Algol from STScI's MAST service of the TESS archive for me. Its content looks like this: ...
velkyvont's user avatar
4 votes
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What could successive double dips in the light-curve mean?

I was going through some analysis of the TESS light-curve data and I stumbled upon an interesting example (see below figures, where the blue line is simply a moving average), where the light-curve ...
Tom's user avatar
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25 votes
2 answers

Do these results mean that I have found this exoplanet?

Yesterday I was going through the TESS mission data on mast portal and after applying some filters I found some data. I started analyzing that data using the lightkurve library. plot without using the ...
Param Kasana's user avatar
1 vote
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TESS sector of observations in RA/DEC vs lat/long

I'm trying to figure out WCS & just generic astronomical coordinates system, in order to better understand/use TESS data. I've been reading the mit docs, but I can't understand the reasons for ...
Francky_V's user avatar
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Syntax for the naming of TESS data repository

I'm following this and downloading & displaying the TESS image file in matplotlib. That works great. Now I'm trying to write myself a wrapper that allows me to specify in some config files what I ...
Francky_V's user avatar
  • 215
7 votes
1 answer

Why is the TESS spacecraft finding fewer exoplanets than expected?

Judging from the Wikipedia page, I got the impression that TESS is underperforming, being expected to detect about 20000 candidate exoplanets in its primary two-year mission, but with only a few weeks ...
user2464424's user avatar
-1 votes
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Cannot plot Kepler FITS files with topcat in Windows

This is a continuation of my earlier question here. I was able to find Kepler data. Now I wanted to plot the data using Topcat. But when I tried to plot the data, I received error. Below is the error ...
Mr Learner's user avatar
1 vote
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How to find Kepler/TESS data [duplicate]

I have some basic understanding of the Kepler/TESS mission. The missions both look at the stars and try to find the dip in the light from the stars to find possible existence of exoplanets (exomoons ...
Mr Learner's user avatar
4 votes
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How can a Grade-11 Student avail TESS data and learn to process?

As mentioned, I am a Grade-11 student. I have always been interested in Data Processing activities. This sums up my experience of working on Asteroid hunt Campaign under IASC (International Asteroid ...
Pranay's user avatar
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A basic question about light curves

I'm new here, so if I've done anything wrong, please let me know. I've been taking a look at some photometry data collected from TESS, and I encountered this light curve: (please ignore the blue and ...
will's user avatar
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2 votes
1 answer

How to query a region on the sky when given only ecliptic coordinates?

I am new at using the Python packages astropy/astroquery and what I want to achieve is to use it to find stars that lay on the TESS continuous view zone (CVZ). I ...
Stefano's user avatar
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2 votes
1 answer

Any plans for TESS after it finishes northern sky survey?

TESS has provided the astronomy community with a treasure trove of information. Once TESS completes its one year survey of the northern sky, are there any plans for an extended mission? Just seems ...
user28843's user avatar
10 votes
1 answer

How actively is Deep Learning being used in exoplanet identification?

Papers, like this one from Google, show that Deep Learning and Machine Learning are effective in detecting exoplanets from luminosity data provided by telescopes like TESS or Kepler. These models ...
user avatar
6 votes
1 answer

Obtaining TESS input catalog (TIC) IDs for Gaia `source_ids`?

The TESS input catalog (TIC) "uses the GAIA DR2 catalog as a base" according to the catalog's website. The Gaia DR2 database provides source_ids for each ...
Shiania White's user avatar
0 votes
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At what annual rate are new exoplanets being recognized? How does it compare to new asteroids?

I just read the BBC News article Exoplanet tally set to pass 4,000 mark . It makes me wonder about the annual rate that new exoplanets being recognized, and how it compares to the rate of new ...
uhoh's user avatar
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