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Questions tagged [fits-header]

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Split Multi-Extension fits file - fits.fz format

I have CFHT/MegaCam fits.fz file on which I want to do photometry. I want to split these large fits.fz file into separate CCD detector fits and then run Source Extractor on them for photometric ...
Abhinna Sundar's user avatar
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How to slice WCS in a FITS file?

I have three WCS axes in a FITS image. I want to slice the axes and use only the first one. Note that though there are three axes, the WCS is superimposable. So there is no worry about a shift in WCS ...
SlightDecoy's user avatar
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Frequency coverage for first spectral channel of .fits cube?

A .fits cube has 3 dimensions, where the 1st axis is RA, 2nd axis is Declination and 3rd axis is frequency. My question is rather simple, but causing pain none-the-less. Given a .fits cube, what is ...
simonp2207's user avatar
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How can I replicate AstroImageJ's pixel to RA/Dec algorithm in my own code?

EDIT: solved, thanks to Eric Jensen's suggestion (in a comment on his answer) that I include the correction to my right ascension value as a function of my declination. All other comments were helpful ...
Conor W's user avatar
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How to use Astropy to edit a keyword (not value) in batches of FITS file headers to be used in AstroimageJ (AIJ)? (summer undergrad research project)

I would be so grateful if someone could help me. I am stuck for over a week now trying to find some way to use Astropy to write some small code to edit one keyword in batches of FITS file headers so ...
strange_octopi's user avatar
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align an image to celestial North

I'm producing images from FITS files, But most of my images aren't aligned to the celestial north. I would expect there to be a simple library, or even an astropy command to make the alignment of the ...
Kipod23's user avatar
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How to invert fits headers order (primary/secondary)?

I have an image from Hubble telescope with two headers and this creates a problem because my program expects the NAXIS, NAXIS1, NAXIS2 in the first header, but in this image case, this info is in the ...
Igor Kolesnikov's user avatar
-1 votes
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Cannot plot Kepler FITS files with topcat in Windows

This is a continuation of my earlier question here. I was able to find Kepler data. Now I wanted to plot the data using Topcat. But when I tried to plot the data, I received error. Below is the error ...
Mr Learner's user avatar
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Align multiple fits images without WCS for future aperture photometry analysis

Recently I have got a bunch of raw fits images (2048x2048 pixels) of the same sky region without WCS to process in iraf. However, those images are not well-aligned. There would be around 4~5 pixels' ...
march_happy's user avatar
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CoRoT FITS files read error

I downloaded fits file using wget script from I am not able to view the file. I tried atsromagic and DS9 . After File->Open ...
qqqqq's user avatar
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Fits file re-alignment

I would like to re-align an image using a reference image (taken from GAIA). I am aware of the software Koords developed by the Karma team: ...
Carter Rhea's user avatar
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In sky surveys, what does inverse variation really mean? How do we use inverse variation to remove noise?

I am trying to work on data from a .fits file and it has an IVAR header. How can I use inverse variation information along with the actual signal data to get better results or reduce noise?
Anks_Eagle's user avatar
2 votes
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Python: Find brightest pixel in fits-file and ignore brighter artefacts

I have 4000 fits-files images from SPITZER, each containing the same star over a time period. Each image is a photmetry cube of 32 pixel * 32 pixel * 64 consequent time frames. I need to look through ...
NeStack's user avatar
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Generate probability skymap

I am trying to generate skymaps for a set of Fermi GBM triggers, containing the probability that a trigger originated in a given part of the sky. For each trigger, I have access to the RA, dec, error ...
Mike's user avatar
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Converting FITS (NuSTAR) coordinates to WCS

I'm trying to convert some pixel coordinates I have into WCS coordinates, ideally into a WCS region for use in some further analysis. So far I've been able to load and parse a NuSTAR FITS file, do ...
Robert Rosca's user avatar

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