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Questions tagged [space-probe]

Questions regarding a manmade object sent to explore space and celestial objects.

3 votes
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Are there any video/audio recordings of the launch of sputnik 1? [migrated]

So I've been researching the launch of sputnik 1, it is often renowned as the event that started the space age though I cannot find any confirmed videos of the launch or even a countdown/audio ...
ArchiveOfStars's user avatar
2 votes
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Why have some space exploration breakthroughs not been retried for the last 50 years?

The last successful probe to land on Venus was Venera 10, 1975. There was also Venera 11 & 12 shortly after, but both experienced camera failures or multiple instrument failures. Why haven't we ...
Ethan's user avatar
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-3 votes
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Estimate the mass of Saturn based on the given data below

In September 2017, the Cassini 1 mission was nearing its end after 20 years due to fuel shortages. The NASA space probe reached its apoapsis on 12 September at 1:27 AM EDT (time on Saturn) with a ...
mathgirl752's user avatar
5 votes
3 answers

Why don't we use the Voyager/Pioneer etc space probes to measure stellar parallax?

With Earth based telescopes you get a max distance of 2 au between measurements. While we have multiple space probes well over 100 AU away from us, that's a 2 OoM difference.
blademan9999's user avatar
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What is the diameter of a telescope lens that will capture the surface of Proxima Centauri b?

I been trying to find the way I can calculate the telescope lens diameter needed to see a star by the distance of the star or the planet from the earth. Is there any mathematical relation we usually ...
xone-a's user avatar
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Is the STEREO-A and STEREO-B imagery publicly available?

The latest image on the [NASA STEREO image page] is from December, and I assume STEREO-A and -B have collected data since. Can this data be found online?
usernumber's user avatar
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Would we be able to discover a Voyager-style probe from a stellar civilization?

If some stellar civilization sent a space probe (say something similar to our Voyager probes in shape/size/materials and communication capability) and it ended up in a regular orbit around the Earth ...
Milwrdfan's user avatar
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2 answers

Any results from the probe that has been crashed into an asteroid once?

About two or three years ago I think a probe whose name I forgot has been crashed into an asteroid at high speed to see what would happen if we tried to collide something with an asteroid on Earth ...
John's user avatar
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Is **Voyager I’s** reduced data transmission rate as described in [this article][1] because of the distance or because its transmitter getting slower? [closed]

Is Voyager I’s reduced data transmission rate as described in this article because of the distance or because its transmitter getting older & slower?
Hal McKinney's user avatar
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Local atmospheric pressure and surface gravity in Jezero crater?

The Jezero crater on Mars is the target location of the American Mars 2020 mission. I can't find any good values on the local air pressure and gravity, though the elevation is around what is ...
John's user avatar
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1 answer

Going to Gliese 581 c

Gliese 581 c is described as one of the most promising exoplanets to sustain life. In this New York Times article, Dimitar Sasselov says: "It’s 20 light-years. We can go there." https://www....
Björn Andersson's user avatar
-4 votes
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Has the idea of sending human heads instead of entire human bodies been considered in space exploration? [closed]

What makes human space exploration very difficult is the infrastructure required to support the human body outside earth. It must be researched, developed, and tested thoroughly which can take many ...
ATL_DEV's user avatar
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17 votes
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Can the paper narrowing Solar System's barycentre to within 100m help find Planet Nine?

I've just read this recent news article, Astronomers Have Located The Centre of The Solar System to Within 100 Metres, reporting on a paper[1] that claims narrowing the Solar System barycentre to ...
ksousa's user avatar
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8 votes
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Why does the Parker Solar Probe slow down as the distance from the Sun increases?

Why does the Parker Solar Probe slow down as the distance from the Sun increases? Image credit: Wikipedia user Phoenix777, CC BY-SA 4.0
user1785960's user avatar
14 votes
2 answers

Why not send a Gaia-like mission to Mars?

This answer to the question why we didn't send Gaia to Neptune's orbit raises the question of why we don't send a Gaia-like mission to the orbit of Mars. It seems like it doesn't have the problems ...
usernumber's user avatar
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