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Questions tagged [saturn-rings]

Questions regarding the complex ring system of Saturn.

12 votes
1 answer

What do Saturn's rings look like during a total solar eclipse, viewed from one of its moons?

Assuming the observer is standing on one of Saturn's moons, with an atmosphere and angle that allows them to see Saturn and its rings in the sky, what do the rings look like during a total solar ...
SaintDiabolus's user avatar
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Warped rings of extrasolar planets or "warm Saturns"

I read a little bit about extrasolar gas giants and planets with rings, and stumbled upon the paper "Warm Saturns: On The Nature Of Rings Around Extrasolar Planets That Reside Inside The Ice Line&...
SaintDiabolus's user avatar
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Can rings last around planets indefinitely?

Apparently, Saturn is losing its rings ( However, is there any way or ...
vengaq's user avatar
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Numerical Programming using ODEINT takes more than 17 minutes

I am trying to track the trajectories of a charged particles under the influence of Gravitational and Electromagnetic effect. Computing for time points, t0=0second -tf= (36002430)sec with stepsize 0....
Lunthang Peter's user avatar
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Distance between Saturn's ring material

I wonder how much the stones and ices that make the Rings of Saturn are far from each other on average? Is it like just a few meters or kilometers? I also wonder how thick are the rings? I can guess ...
abbassix's user avatar
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2 answers

Did Cassini return a photo of Saturn's rings shown from closer to Saturn?

A quote from a book, Perelandra by C.S. Lewis: "no eye looked up from beneath on the Ring of Lurga"; now Lurga is Saturn, and no human eye has been to Saturn, let alone at a lower altitude ...
Joshua's user avatar
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How does Saturn's ring rain fit with the earlier "big empty" results?

In 2017, the results from Cassini's flight through the region between Saturn and the inner edge of the rings were described as the "Big Empty". Nevertheless in 2018, the region was described ...
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Are Saturn's rings stable?

Saturn's rings contain many moonlets that shape the rings of Saturn. The structures in the rings of Saturn around moonlets are similar to those in protoplanetary disks around newly formed planets, ...
usernumber's user avatar
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Why is Saturn invisible in this radar image of its rings?

The image below is from Radar imaging of Saturn’s rings Nicholson, P. D. et al., Icarus 177 (2005) 32–62, doi:10.1016/j.icarus.2005.03.023 and discussed further in this answer to How did Arecibo ...
uhoh's user avatar
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12 votes
2 answers

How did Arecibo detect methane lakes on Titan, and image Saturn's rings?

This answer to Farthest distance to a solar system object that's been measured by radar? mentions that Saturn's rings, and the Uncover Travel post Arecibo Observatory, Puerto Rico – The World’s ...
uhoh's user avatar
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23 votes
3 answers

Help understanding this unsettling image of Titan, Epimetheus, and Saturn's rings?

The NY Times article Saturn’s Rings Are Sculpted by a Crew of Mini-Moons is really interesting and links to the recent paywalled paper in Science Close Cassini flybys of Saturn’s ring moons Pan, ...
uhoh's user avatar
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What is the organic material in Saturn's rings?

The articleSurprising chemical complexity of Saturn's rings changing planet's upper atmosphere about the chemical complexity of Saturn's rings, quotes a member of the INMS (Thomas Cravens) as ...
Octopus's user avatar
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Why are saturn rings so thin?

I wonder why saturn rings are so thin ? Rings A, B and C are approximately just 10 meters thick which is extremely thin compared to the size of Saturn. What are the explanations for that ? Thanks a ...
AlbertBranson's user avatar