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Questions tagged [lvm]

LVM is a logical volume manager for the Linux kernel

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Need to Reinstall GRUB | Repair Boot after MB failed. OS on Raid1 / LVM partitions

My UEFI motherboard failed. I am running 22.04LTS on a bootable Raid1 array on a LVM layer. It is not a dual boot setup. Of course UEFI requires a small partition in fat32 to act as the boot, efi ...
user643654's user avatar
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How to shrink the root parition after Ubuntu install? root partition is already installed

I installed Ubuntu 24.04 with advanced features ("Use LVM and encryption"), but I couldn't find more options to partition the disk during the installation. Here is the partition layout that ...
Yoonah Lee's user avatar
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Stuck in GRUB 2.06 command line after copying disk with CloneZilla

I have two identical HDD disks both have the same size. Because my main disk had some bad sectors, I decided to move my Ubuntu 22.04 system to another newer disk. Following the advice of people on ...
NaikeR303's user avatar
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LVM2 - non-root VG LV not activated on reboot

One of our physical Ubuntu server has, 3 VGs in total - rootvg, 2 non-rootvgs(appvg1 & appvg2). Rootdisk is local HDD and both appvgs uses multipath disk (one disk each). appvg1 has filesystem ...
Naveen R's user avatar
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Is installing Ubuntu server and adding package *-desktop equivalent to installing *buntu Desktop?

current Ubuntu installation media (ubiquity , calamares) do have difficulties with manual partition and ecryption (luks + lvm), while the server installation (subiquity) works well. Therefore: If the ...
Hadmut's user avatar
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Impact of software raid on IOPs performance

Today my server is a ubuntu 22.04 setup where I am starting 2 VMs namely mgmt-vm and storage-vm using LXD. Both the VMs are using lvm based storage pool which is on top of logical software RAID5 drive ...
codingfreak's user avatar
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Is my SSD dying?

I have a home server that I use for Home Assistant with Ubuntu Server. All was good but someday the server stopped responding. I plugged it into a monitor and it was requiring a manual filesystem ...
Francesca Boaro's user avatar
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lvchange -ay can't activate an LV: device-mapper: reload ioctl on failed: Input/output error

Running on Ubuntu 22.04.4 with kernel 5.15.0-48-generic (yes, there are updates, that is a different issue.) The only VG named datavg is active and online. All of the PV are active and online. All 11 ...
Jay _silly_evarlast_ Wren's user avatar
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LVM on cloud init ubuntu 22.04 server

I'm using packer from hashicorp, to install ubuntu 22.04 server on vmware. There is a one problem, i can't find how to specify volume group and logical volume in user-data file. For example i need ...
pupsik555's user avatar
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how to fixed ubuntu server 20.04 LTS /dev/mapper/ubuntu/--vg-ubuntu--lv contains a file system with errors, check forced

I am newbie for Linux Ubuntu Server 20.04 LTS user. I have a cases with my Linux Ubuntu PC Server. When I boot my PC, I got an error with: /dev/mapper/ubuntu/--vg-ubuntu--lv contains a file system ...
IT RSED's user avatar
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How to safely extend Logical Volume in production server

I have 4 LVs, type is ext4. I want to know how to safely extend them since they are all used for production. From what I know the steps are. unmount extend resize FS mount again Are these steps ...
TrealFaisal's user avatar
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DISA STIG drive partitioning (LVMs) during install of Ubuntu 24.04?

I would like to install Ubuntu 24.04 on a new (physical) system and comply with the DISA STIG for drive partitioning and secure LVM mounts. That means 'noexec' for /var and /tmp. I don't see any way ...
ZappedC64's user avatar
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Ubuntu 24.04 (Nomble Numbat) hangs on installation

I've been trying to install the new Ubuntu 24.04 (Nomble Numbat) on a PC that's been running 22.04 for a while. Observations: Upon boot from the USB stick it errors out quickly (IIRC "Oh no ...
Mike's user avatar
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Ubuntu 24.04 installer not showing encrypted lvm partitions (luks)

I want to replace my ubuntu 22.04 install which is in an encrypted lvm with new Ubuntu 24.04. I unlocked to crypted partition : sudo cryptsetup luksOpen /dev/nvme0n1p3 nvme0n1p3_crypt password: ok ...
Pasquale Turner's user avatar
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Keep getting error on LXC preseed.yaml for profile and LVM configuration

I am trying to create a preseed.yaml for our LXD environment in which I can use a profile to setup VMs with an 80GB disk and have it pre-configured using LVM for the partitions. I have a preseed.yaml ...
Swampcritter's user avatar
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I can only use 100GB of 2x1TB disks with LVM and a RAID

I have the following disks lsblk lsblk lsblk NAME MAJ:MIN RM SIZE RO TYPE MOUNTPOINTS loop0 7:0 0 63,9M 1 loop /snap/core20/2182 loop1 ...
bad pussycat's user avatar
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/dev/mapper/ubuntu--vg-ubuntu--lv does not exist. Dropping to shell

I inherited a problem... originally we thought the root partition of the drive was filled and no one could log into the host. The host was rebooted and upon reboot it now drops to initramfs. I ...
EmptySet's user avatar
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Logical Volume Management in Linux (Ubuntu)

I'm encountering an issue with my virtual machine. Initially, I allocated 25 GB of storage to it, installed Docker, Jenkins, and several other applications, and extended the LVM to 18 GB. Now, I'm ...
Wali Haider's user avatar
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missing storage raid / lvm after updating ubuntu server 22.04 5.15 to 6.2.0, where do I start

I'm missing a 4 drive raid, I wasn't super sure how it was set up really, I updated the kernel for specific nvidia drivers to 6.2.0. I can see the drives in lsblk, and it looks like they still have ...
James's user avatar
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/dev/mapper/ubuntu--vg-ubuntu--lv is full

I'm new to Ubuntu so I apologize in advance. I got my server up and running this week and set up jellyfin, which has been working fine up until now. I dont know if this is the cause but my boot drive ...
demise314's user avatar
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Ubuntu Server installation use LVM OS physical volume as a whole device

I'm trying to do a Ubuntu Server VM installation by using the OS physical volume as a whole device without any partitions, but I can't manage to complete the disk configuration. Is it possible somehow ...
nova's user avatar
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Extend available disk space to Ubuntu 20.04LTS

I'm running Ubuntu 20.04LTS on a VMWare virtual machine. I have expanded the virtual hard disk allocated to the VM. It is now 32GB. The size Ubuntu use is still the same (obviously). I tried a number ...
fpiette's user avatar
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Ubuntu/Xubuntu 22.04 installation issue with RAID and full disk encryption

I'm trying to install a ubuntu or xubuntu 22.04.4 with minimum install to a device that has RAID 1 configured in BIOS. During installation I selected to erase disk and use LVM with new Ubuntu ...
John W's user avatar
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Volume group "encrypted" not found - error message during boot - I did not set up any volume groups

It was working the previous days normally, but suddenly I got this error message during the boot somewhere around the end of init-premount or beginning of local-bottom or in-between. Volume group &...
Valentin Stoykov's user avatar
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docker ubuntu server LVM disk full?

First of all I am new to Ubuntu and Linux altogether. Some things that i describe below may not be correct and I might (probably) have done it incorrectly. I want to know how to set up the volumes and/...
chryxer's user avatar
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Stuck with kernel 6.2.0 on Ubuntu 23.10

I'm running Ubuntu on a thin client as a headless home server. I've upgraded to 23.10 a few monthes ago, but I realize I've been stuck with kernel 6.2.0 since then. Running sudo apt update, sudo apt ...
Mysterius's user avatar
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How can I create an LVM Partion /var/tmp in Ubuntu Server 22.04, without crashing the system?

To make it clear, I managed LVM and partitioning 1000+ times on RHEL and Debian derivatives, but Ubuntu Server 22.04 seems to have a serious bug! What is: If I install a fresh VM, I can create every ...
SirStephanikus's user avatar
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extending partition to root in ubuntu [duplicate]

I'm working on a Ubuntu 22.04 VM of 300GB , I got a warning " / is using 95.0% of 97.87GB" , I tried to increase my hard-disk space by adding additional 300GB of harddisk. This is the result ...
balaji S's user avatar
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Ubuntu server LVM not using entire disk space [duplicate]

Running lsblk gives following output. NAME MAJ:MIN RM SIZE RO TYPE MOUNTPOINTS sda 8:0 0 465.8G 0 disk ├─sda1 8:1 0 1M ...
Akash Rana's user avatar
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Activating LVM volumes after failure to attach after reboot

I currently have the problem that after every reboot the two external hard disks (both connected via USB) throw the error "Activating LVM volumes after failure to attach ...". Normally I can ...
ozz's user avatar
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Help understanding remaining HDD space

So I'm trying to figure out if I can use a good chunk of hdd space that appears to be unmounted in my system. lsblk NAME MAJ:MIN RM SIZE RO TYPE MOUNTPOINTS loop0 ...
Ben Bagley's user avatar
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How do I enable hibernation on Ubuntu 22 on a LUKS system disk with a swapfile?

I have an Ubuntu 22.04.3 LTS desktop. The only swap is a swap file (I removed the swap partition that came as default with the instalation). I followed these instructions to enable suspend to disk, ...
Duncan Marshall's user avatar
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lvextend root partition causing (initramfs) ALERT! /dev/mapper/ubuntu--vg-ubuntu--lv does not exist. Dropping to a shell!

I'm building an Ubuntu 22.04.02 image using packer qemu builder. I then dd the raw image to a baremetal mini pc. On the first boot of the Ubuntu image I have a procedure that extends the root ...
Jason Separovic's user avatar
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is it possible to extend space after system installation?

I installed my Ubuntu system without using LVM, but now the disk space is insufficient. I want to buy a new disk. Is it possible to extend the space using LVM now? I have searched a lot, and almost ...
vstar's user avatar
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Install Ubuntu 22.04 Server with RAID 1 and LVM on machine with UEFI BIOS?

I followed the instructions here - Install Ubuntu 20.04 desktop with RAID 1 and LVM on machine with UEFI BIOS but used the Ubuntu Server Installer to configure the partition layout and added an extra ...
Bob R's user avatar
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Shrinking logical volume on partition to copy VirtualBox VM to new .vdi file

I've created an Ubuntu 22.04 virtual box VM on a Windows 10 host machine. I've allocated 600GB virtual memory size for a dynamically expanding disk in virtual box. When I created this VM I had thought ...
nvme06's user avatar
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How to install ubuntu to use 2 disk as a combined lvm on root

I have bought a machine that have 2 4TB disk. I saw some information saying that I can create a ubuntu machine with 7TB disk in '/' based on lvm. However, I made a lot of attempts but all failed ...
user40780's user avatar
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LUKS LVM installation not booting

I can't get ubuntu 23.10 to boot in the following LUKS & LVM setup. Booting fails after entering the password and going to initramfs console. Devices: root@ubuntu:/# sudo blkid /dev/nvme0n1: UUID=&...
exaveal's user avatar
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I've deleted cryptsetup-initramfs

I'm running Ubuntu 20.04 (5.15.-10088.98) with LUKS LVM and have done something stupid. I've tried sudo apt upgrade and get the following problem: I: The initramfs will attempt to resume from /dev/dm-...
Lio Steinbacher's user avatar
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Problem with boot - initramfs: Waiting for /dev/mapper/ubuntu--vg-ubuntu--lv to appear

initramfs: Timeout while waiting for devices for / (and possibly /usr) filesystems to appear (did you specified correct ones) initramfs: Will cause kernel panic in 10s... I chrooted to /dev/mapper/...
hx_radek's user avatar
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Ubuntu Logical Volume full but total file size does not match volume size

I'm quite new to Linux / Ubuntu and have ended up in an interesting situation. I created a VM with our hosting provided and assigned a disk of 15GB, after a while I wanted to extend the disk so I ...
Markus Knappen Johansson's user avatar
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mount command is working fine in terminal but not through cgi script in python. i'm using apache2 for this

#!/usr/bin/python3 import cgi,subprocess import getpass current_user = getpass.getuser() form = cgi.FieldStorage() ip = form.getvalue('ip') username = form.getvalue('username') password = form....
Ayush Aryan's user avatar
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Software Updater: not enough disk space when updating custom kernel (apt works)

I use Ubuntu 22.04 LTS with a custom kernel by my hardware manufacturer installed. When I get a kernel update, I can't use Ubuntu's Software Updater to update, since I get the error "not enough ...
Liemaeu's user avatar
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How to locate the data of thin volume of LVM

I have a vg with pool and thin volumes. When I read the configuration, I found the extent description of 2 thin volumes are the same. thinvolume { id = "FjDv9Z-vUt0-S1h5-uVil-spU2-...
areslee's user avatar
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Grow Logical Volume - Missing Partition

I have an Ubuntu 22.04 VM, setup with LVM, but the partition is missing. I started by running a pvcreate, vgcreate, and then lvcreate. An lsblk shows the following: sdb 8:16 0 ...
bweaver707's user avatar
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Need help extending an LVM volume

I am trying to extend my lvm / space on a vHost. I extended it in XCP-ng from 20g to 100g. I can see the new space on the disk NAME MAJ:MIN RM SIZE RO TYPE MOUNTPOINTS loop0 ...
Penbrock's user avatar
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How to resolve grub-probe error: disk lvmid/xxx not found

I encounter an error stating "lvmid not found" when running the grub-probe command. # grub-probe --target=fs_uuid / grub-probe: error: disk `lvmid/R9xUrf-ONd8-wCXx-qfxt-m5Ox-JwKG-LrcAZI/...
teityura's user avatar
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ceph quincy 17.2.6. stderr: Might need DB size specification, please set Ceph bluestore-block-db-size config parameter

I am trying to add a DB device. The physical device is an SSD, in which I created as many logical volumes as OSDs. All the LV’s are in a volume group. It turns out that when I run "ceph-volume ...
gmaggi's user avatar
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ubuntu--vg-ubuntu--lv is full and cannot be increased anymore

recently my ubuntu--vg-ubuntu--lv filled up so I ran sudo lvextend -l +100%FREE -r /dev/ubuntu-vg/ubuntu-lv sudo resize2fs /dev/ubuntu-vg/ubuntu-lv This worked but then shortly after it is filled up ...
xjx424's user avatar
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Unable to modify files in root even after booting it up as admin

I'm trying to copy+paste a plugin for OBS under /snap/obs-studio/1284/usr/lib. It's located in root. The paste option is grayed out doing: sudo su nautilus leads to me opening it as admin:///snap/obs-...
Xyozni's user avatar
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