I installed Ubuntu 24.04 with advanced features ("Use LVM and encryption"), but I couldn't find more options to partition the disk during the installation. Here is the partition layout that was created:

  Partition sdb1 used for /boot/efi
  Partition sdb2 used for /boot
  Partition sdb3 created, and Ubuntu was installed on it.

I wanted to shrink the LVM root partition that Ubuntu created. However, after the installation, /dev/mapper/ubuntu--vg/ubuntu-lv was already mounted. I attempted to use lvreduce --resizefs -L 250G /dev/mapper/ubuntu--vg-root, but this resulted in a broken filesystem.

How can I repair the filesystem? If a reinstallation is necessary, how can I partition the disk to shrink the Ubuntu-created LVM root partition, split the space for home and swap, and enable LUKS encryption?

Ubuntu install page:

Ubuntu install page

After lvreduce, filesystem broke:

after lvreduce, filesystem broke


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