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ubuntu--vg-ubuntu--lv and vgdisplay give different sizes for different commands

Even though the disk size is 221.57 GiB and there is no unallocated disk space and /dev/mapper/ubuntu--vg-ubuntu--lv gives only 98G where did the rest go? output of: fdisk -l /dev/sda Disk /dev/sda: ...
Kofiko's user avatar
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I messed up and made my /boot partition laughably small over 4 years ago. Resizing it will not be straightforward. What can I do?

Ubuntu version is 22.04 LTS Desktop My boot disk is /dev/sda, and it has three partitions. Here are the relevant mounts: ~$ df -h Filesystem Size Used Avail Use% Mounted on tmpfs ...
tamale's user avatar
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On what disk is filesystem located?

I need to find out on what disk a specific filesystems on my server is located. For this case, let's use my /home directory as an example: [root@master playbooks]# df -h /home Filesystem ...
John Ronald's user avatar
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How to mount/recover failed drive?

Today my home server went to kernel panic, something went wrong with its system drive. I swapped the drive, restored the server and now I'm trying to figure out what happened to the old one. It ...
Ren's user avatar
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Move an existing Ubuntu installation to new disk that i've configured it with lvm - a few specific questions

I've been searching the internet for any answer to this and have not found anything that I can wrap my head around, not that specifically answers my questions anyway. I installed a new hard disk in my ...
epsilonv's user avatar
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Device for PV <UUID> not found

This is how it looks the drive settings of a VM that I am trying to rescue. $ lsblk NAME MAJ:MIN RM SIZE RO TYPE MOUNTPOINT sr0 11:0 1 ...
Rikkas's user avatar
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How to find physical disks?

$ sudo fdisk -l Disk /dev/loop0: 54.98 MiB, 57626624 bytes, 112552 sectors Units: sectors of 1 * 512 = 512 bytes Sector size (logical/physical): 512 bytes / 512 bytes I/O size (minimum/optimal): 512 ...
Gqqnbig's user avatar
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How to recover some files from lvm thinpool (from Qubes OS)

I mounted, on Ubuntu, a LUKS partition that has these lvm containers from Qubes OS: ubuntu@ubuntu:~$ sudo lvs LV VG Attr LSize Pool ...
Guerlando OCs's user avatar
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Help in mounting/accessing part of a disk that is already being used

lsblk gives me this: Screenshot of lsblk output the volume hanging off sda3, 'ubuntu--vg-ubuntu--lv', contains the Ubuntu OS and runs well. What I don't have access to is to the rest of the 58.6G on ...
kristau's user avatar
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How to enlarge an LVM partition when the virtualised (MS Hyper-V) drive has been resized

I have an Ubuntu 16.04.6 LTS server that runs under MS HyperV. The only disk in the system, a vhdx, is installed under Ubuntu as a single physical and logical volume via LVM. I have enlarged the disk ...
Joe's user avatar
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Expand filesystem from command line - sda1-5 already in use

I have a headless Ubuntu server install inside a VM, running on Hyper-V using lvm. I have full access to the VM, but no access to the Hyper-V environment (so can't boot with a LiveCD). I need to ...
c-hri-s's user avatar
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Insufficient free space: XXX extents needed, but only 0 available

I'm trying to run this command: lvresize --size +100% --resizefs /dev/mapper/pve-root but geting this error: Insufficient free space: XXX extents needed, but only 0 available Running ProxMox 5.1 ...
Jo West's user avatar
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How to see the volume group name of an LVM logical volume on an external Hard Drive?

I'm trying to follow this guide, in order to shrink an encrypted partition on an external hard drive. I think I've successfully resized the file system on that partition, and now I want to reduce the ...
talz's user avatar
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How to access an LVM partition on an external USB disk? [duplicate]

I have a external USB disk that is format using LVM. There are 2 logical partitions inside the LVM partition. When I plug it I can see the disk with GParted, but the disk partitions are not shown in ...
Jeff's user avatar
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Recovering files from a, potentially broken, LVM2 filesystem

TLDR How can I recover files from a hard disk containing LVM2 partitions after extracting the disk from a dead server? In Brief My headless email server appliance stopped responding to network ...
RedGrittyBrick's user avatar

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