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Questions tagged [launchd]

A system for starting, stopping, and managing automated processes.

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Start Wireguard Interface on Boot

I have a VPN subscription and Wireguard CLI installed on macOS Ventura (v 13.6.5). I have followed this link to automatically start a Wireguard interface on boot, but it gives me an error: Warning: `/...
Saurabh's user avatar
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launchctl and sleep states

I have a plist (see below) which executes an app and it Runs At Load and has a startinterval of 14400 (4 hours). I also have the habit of not manually sleeping my mac when at home but rather just ...
webby's user avatar
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Launchctl plist with StartCalendarInterval not executing

I have a plist which runs a script and if I launch it using StartInterval it runs the script but if I use StartCalendarInterval it doesn't run the script. Further details are: The plist is below and ...
webby's user avatar
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What is the proper way to stop and restart a service that is a "bundled daemon"?

There are some recent apps, e.g., Cisco Secure Client / AnyConnect VPN service, where the service cannot be stopped/started using the For more control over what's running on the ...
HanSooloo's user avatar
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Gaining access to `~/Library/Mobile Documents` in a launch agent

I use restic for computer backups on macOS Sonoma. I have a shell script that invokes the restic binary with custom arguments. To make a backup, I run the shell script manually in the terminal, ...
Philip's user avatar
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Launchctl "Bootstrap failed: 5: Input/output error" when targeting system

I'm trying use launchctl run a small program, but have not been able to consistently target system. What appears to be happening is target gui, then target system, try to target system, it'll give ...
ron burgundy's user avatar
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Shell script can't be executed by LaunchDeamon or LaunchAgent

macOS 14.2.1 (23C71) I have this shell script which copies a folder to an external hard drive using rsync: #!/bin/bash SOURCE_DIR="/Users/tristan/Library/Application Support/Postgres/var-16"...
QGuy's user avatar
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How do I run a .sh file every day at 2:30 AM? [duplicate]

I have a launchd plist located at ~/Library/LaunchAgents designed to run a script located at /Users/admin/Downloads/ The script is : #!/bin/bash osascript -e 'tell app "Terminal" ...
John Hat's user avatar
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Could there be any negative repercussions in disabling [duplicate]

I noticed there was something listening on port 8021 on my Mac. $ sudo lsof -i ':8021' COMMAND PID USER FD TYPE DEVICE SIZE/OFF NODE NAME launchd 1 root 38u IPv6 ...
mr.zog's user avatar
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LaunchDeamon file doesn't work [duplicate]

I have a .plist file in the LaunchDeamons directory. It's supposed to run a .sh file (which works) which creates a backup of a directory onto an external drive every day at 00:00. I have tried putting ...
QGuy's user avatar
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Why does macOS start ssh-agent with -l?

I'm looking to add a default timeout to the ssh-agent run by macos at startup. So far I've determined that the file that runs this is /System/Library/LaunchAgents/com.openssh.ssh-agent.plist which ...
Joel Berger's user avatar
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Is there any way to prevent a non-admin user from executing "launchctl unload" on macOS?

I started using a well-known program for self-control on MacOS called Cold Turkey. This program is very powerful, but it's not enough since I can open a Terminal as a non-admin user and execute the ...
Alfred's user avatar
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Is launchd confined by SIP or AMFI?

Given that signature checks for kernel extensions and executables are both carried out in userspace, this tells me that SIP and the sandbox aren't running when launchd is still the only process ...
Melab's user avatar
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Why failing to unload with launchctl nor with sudo nor with root?

[MacOS Monterey 12.7] sharingd looks related with a weird window flash popup on desktop right after booting. As I researched, this daemon has to do with services that I don't need (AirDrop, Handoff, ...
nostromo's user avatar
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Disabling services (daemons, agents) with launchctl

I want to get rid of some system services completely. I turned off sip with csrutil disable. Then following command sudo launchctl disable Gave me an unexpected answer: ...
Andrew Orlow's user avatar

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