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Questions tagged [automation]

Any thing that helps perform repetitive tasks via an application or script

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Automating Outlook Tasks under Sonoma using AppleScript

I am trying to automate some tasks in macOS Sonoma and Microsoft Outlook 16.78.3 using AppleScript. This is my simple test script to check if I can access outlook items at all: tell application "...
thedoitsujin's user avatar
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Automation via icon on desktop (or dock?) of Terminal function .. ? End goal to differently-color all open Terminal windows

Would there be a way to have a file/icon of some sort of my desktop - (or, not as ideal but in the dock) which essentially opens a terminal window via the menu Shell -> New Window -> .. one of ...
Fattie's user avatar
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How to osacompile a script containing `tell Application` and NSAppleScriptEnabled without activating it

How do I compile the following script without actually activating the application during the compilation? tell application "/Applications/" to activate If I do e.g. this, it will not ...
hraban's user avatar
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How can I make a shortcut in on a Mac/iPhone continue the rest of the flow even if one task failed?

I'm working on a shortcut using the Mac/iPhone Shortcut app, and I need some help. My shortcut consists of multiple tasks, but I've run into an issue. If one of the tasks fails, the entire shortcut ...
Nizar Yousri's user avatar
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How do I "toggle" macOS Sonoma Security/Features OFF/ON so I can use the full functionality of the `security` command?

I'm working on a script to import numerous Certs (Like 50) into System.keychain. macOS Sonoma Security Features are preventing the security command from fully working. Note: Intune MDM Trusted Cert ...
NotASteve's user avatar
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How to set macOS Sonoma Dark Mode to work to your schedule?

Using the “Auto” option for appearance switches from light to dark based on sunset and sunrise times. I want to set a custom schedule. For instance, time to time for light, otherwise it's dark. Or, ...
Kamil's user avatar
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MacOS Music script does not work triggered inside app

For years, I've been using a really simple AppleScript to reset Music's AirPlay device back to my computer. I trigger it using a keyboard shortcut Command + E and the script doesn’t run. Same if I use ...
nigel's user avatar
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How can I program my Mac to know when my iPhone is home?

Situation: I wrote an alarm clock app that runs on a MacMini. (No, I have never found any commercial app that works like I want it to.) But sometimes I spend the night away from home, and I don’t ...
Snarke's user avatar
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How can I automate opening a new window if none exists in the current space by a dock click?

I've been customizing my Mac to enhance my productivity and there’s one last hiccup: the Dock's behavior with spaces and opening new windows. Context I use separate spaces for different activities—...
ogaompa's user avatar
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Make it easier to toggle color filters

I need a more convenient way to toggle this option. I'm happy for it to be a toggled at a keystroke, an option in my top menu bar, or an option in this thing: I initially tried ChatGPT to write an ...
libby's user avatar
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3 answers

How can I have a non-elevated script execute another specific script as root without requiring a password from the user?

I have a script, let's call it, that's going to be run at specific times, such as when a particular application launches or quits. The script itself will run as the current user (not root) ...
Bri Bri's user avatar
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LaunchDeamon file doesn't work [duplicate]

I have a .plist file in the LaunchDeamons directory. It's supposed to run a .sh file (which works) which creates a backup of a directory onto an external drive every day at 00:00. I have tried putting ...
QGuy's user avatar
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7 answers

Simplest way to create a clickable list in MacOS that will cause selected programs to run

I'm looking for something which runs under macOS that will let me do the following: Suppose I have a file called "program.list" with contents something like this: "Program 1" "...
HippoMan's user avatar
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Custom DNS entries based on Network

I've got a situation where I want to connect to servers using the same name but different ip addresses based on the network I'm connected to. Sometimes I'm working from home (with and without VPN), ...
Geoffrey Wiseman's user avatar
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Is there an app or tool I can use to make it so that a script will run every time a certain application launches or terminates, without polling?

I want to run a simple shell script any time one of a few different applications terminate. I can identify the applications by their filename, bundle ID, or full path, so any method that can use those ...
Bri Bri's user avatar
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