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Peter Flom
  • Member for 8 years, 6 months
  • Last seen this week
41 votes

How to ask a professor from 29 years ago to write you a recommendation?

34 votes

Is LaTeX an implicit prerequisite in Undergraduate Mathematics?

31 votes

How do I motivate my PhD students to attend seminars

28 votes

Is it acceptable to email a professor about an article they wrote years ago?

27 votes

Why are so many professors' websites out of date?

20 votes

Is it bad that I gave the wrong answer to a question during a recorded talk?

19 votes

My supervisor is promoting my work (that I think has flaws) everywhere - what to do?

17 votes

Is it unfair to retroactively excuse a student for absences?

14 votes

Why is 90% of medical research useless?

13 votes

PhD advisor is pushing me to do a project which is doomed to failure

13 votes

What can I tell a student I am mentoring who claims: "I want to do pure mathematics because it is superior to any other subject in the world"?

12 votes

Why does independent research from people without formal academic qualifications generally turn out to be a complete waste of time?

10 votes

How to acknowledge "hints" in a math thesis?

10 votes

How can I learn to trust the Ph.D program course of study again?

9 votes

Does the editorial board of a journal have the ethical right to refuse publication for insulting the reviewer?

9 votes

What does last authorship mean in various fields?

8 votes

What language is "Solutio problematis ad geometriam situs pertinentis" written in?

8 votes

Professor claiming first authorship on former student's project

8 votes

Are there dedicated research facilities in the USA?

7 votes

Are many figures in a paper considered bad practice?

6 votes

Why don't professors seem to use learning strategies like spaced repetition and note-taking?

6 votes

Does it matter who your thesis examiner is?

6 votes

How do you respond to people who say pure mathematics has less value than applied mathematics because "it doesn't have any practical application"?

6 votes

Should I include papers in a literature review that might overshadow my own results?

6 votes

Skills Difference between Theoretical Physicists and Mathematicians

6 votes

Do people use the number 42 in research?

5 votes

Is it ok to get an external help for PHD dissertation?

5 votes

Can academics make a living solely out of publishing?

5 votes

Short comment paper - time to review Vs urgency of the topic

5 votes

Asking a professor at another university for a reading course