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Lars Kotthoff's user avatar
Lars Kotthoff's user avatar
Lars Kotthoff
  • Member for 12 years, 5 months
  • Last seen more than 1 year ago
35 votes

What is the h-index exactly and how does it work?

25 votes

How to find grant proposal samples?

23 votes

Are reviewers allowed to discuss their review with each other?

23 votes

Is web-presence important for researchers?

21 votes

Value of contributions to Wikipedia when applying for academic jobs

16 votes

What journals do not allow open access to published material?

14 votes

Ways to manage something like a 'work-life balance'?

14 votes

Conflict declaration in reviews

11 votes

How to handle students who try to negotiate away penalties for late submission of coursework?

11 votes

Different types of conference publications

11 votes

Scope for the role of peer reviewer

10 votes

How to assess the quality of a degree?

10 votes

How to recruit a PhD student without a strong connection to teaching?

9 votes

Is it possible to work on extra activities (start-up project) during PhD?

8 votes

Where can I find the Impact Factor for a given journal?

8 votes

Journal publication and acceptance to competitive conferences

8 votes

As a student, how much time should I spend helping other students with research?

8 votes

How do you earn opportunites to review journals or conference papers?

7 votes

Open versus Blind reviewing process

6 votes

Is there a standard for translating grades across Erasmus universities?

6 votes

What are the common productivity measures of a scientist, like h-index?

6 votes

Can students ask for changing grades?

5 votes

Keeping advisees aware of literature

5 votes

Can I publish the reviews I write?

5 votes

What happens to the reviews that people write for journal articles after they're sent back to the author?

5 votes

Alphabetical author list in non-alphabetical journal

5 votes

Is there generally a high amount of variability in the number of hours grad students put to work each week?

4 votes

When is it appropriate to decline a review request?

4 votes

How much guidance should I reasonably expect from an MSc Thesis Supervisor

4 votes

Ph.D. in UK/Ireland as "Dipl.-Ing." from Germany