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41 votes

How can I withdraw a published paper?

If it's already published, you can't. Typically when you publish a paper, you sign some rights over to the publisher: you give them permission to put your work into their compilation. This comes ...
Bryan Krause's user avatar
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26 votes

How can I withdraw a published paper?

Bryan Krause already gives the right answer, namely "what you want to do is not possible". To explain why, you should not consider a journal as a collection of websites that can come and go, ...
Wolfgang Bangerth's user avatar
20 votes

Is Web of Science the same as ISI?

Web of Science is a product. ISI was an organisation that used to produce that product. The Institute of Scientific Information (ISI) was bought by Thomson Reuters in 1992. Web of Science is now ...
Ian Sudbery's user avatar
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12 votes

How can I put my publications into Scopus?

Scopus uses its own sources for publications in the form of publisher provided content. Their selection procedure is explained here:
Pierre de Buyl's user avatar
12 votes

Journal got blacklisted recently – how to withdraw the paper from the journal and database?

I don't think you can or should "drop" the paper. To paraphrase the jewelry slogan, a publication is forever. You can't take it back just because you don't like the direction the journal has gone, ...
Nate Eldredge's user avatar
10 votes

Is Web of Science the same as ISI?

Is Web of Science the same as ISI? It depends on what you mean by ISI. If you mean "Institute for Scientific Information," then see the other answers here. But ISI can also mean "...
JRN's user avatar
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9 votes

What is a Scopus indexed conference and how can I identify one?

There is no such conference. Scopus is an indexing database which indexes the publications (journals and conference proceedings). Scopus does not index conferences. What you are actually asking is: ...
Coder's user avatar
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8 votes

Did scopus choose not to add my paper (from an accepted journal) or did something go wrong?

No, Scopus did not choose not to index your specific paper. Such decisions would undermine the purpose of an index. There are three reasons a paper may not be indexed in Scopus (or Web of Science or ...
Wandering Chemist's user avatar
8 votes

How can I put my publications into Scopus?

It sounds like you don't understand what Scopus is. Scopus is a database of quality-curated journals and the articles published in those journals. It isn't meant to be comprehensive, and because it's ...
Allure's user avatar
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7 votes

Is there documentation on how long it takes before publications are indexed by Scopus and Web of Science?

This is a really interesting question!! According to Clairvate Analytics WebofScience/WebofKnowledge), updating of the WOS collection occurs daily on Monday through Friday. This revelation, paired ...
Jessica Burnett's user avatar
7 votes

Scopus and Web of Science give different h-index: who should I trust?

Both (and neither). Like other citation metrics, the h-index compiled by these databases only depend on what's already in those databases. Both of them have quality barriers, which means you could ...
Allure's user avatar
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7 votes

Opting out of Scopus Author ID

Before getting to some of the specifics of your question, I think that one of your premises need to be addressed. The reason that the premise is important is that it has an effect on the potential ...
CrimsonDark's user avatar
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6 votes

How to make sure journal is indexed in Scopus or not

Search Scopus for the journal. If you don't find it, it's not indexed. Edit: the journal in question is indexed by Scopus, but it doesn't have any 2022 articles. I'm guessing that's why the Scopus ...
Allure's user avatar
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6 votes

Paper rejected because it did not fit the scope of a journal

We can definitely exclude a lack of appropriate reviewers because you wrote this in your description: I recently finished my paper and I submitted it to a journal. A few days later, I got a response ...
Allure's user avatar
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5 votes

How to notify Elsevier or Clarivate when then they are indexing predatory or very low quality journals?

First, Elsevier or Clarivate Analytics already monitor things like dramatic increases in the number of articles published. It's why excessive self-citation can and has lead to journals getting ...
Allure's user avatar
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5 votes

Submitted to a non Scopus-indexed journal, later found that University only accept Scopus journals. How can I submit to another journal?

If your paper is submitted but not accepted or published, it is still time to withdraw your submission. This is generally done by writing to the editor. I would recommend to do this as soon as ...
Cape Code's user avatar
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4 votes

How to check whether a journal is still listed in Scopus?

The entry for this journal in Scopus lists "from 2009 to 2015" - it records 307 papers from 2015. The last issue they have indexed is vol. 10 issue 12, and they have not as yet indexed any 2016 papers....
Andrew is gone's user avatar
4 votes

Which libraries are included in the Scopus citation database?

I don't think Scopus manages their indexing by what you call "Libraries" (you probably mean publishers, and I agree that many publishers seem to call their online publishing platforms something like "...
silvado's user avatar
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4 votes

How best to increase the reach of conference proceedings / papers?

Realistically, the main thing to increase the probability of the papers coming out of your conference being taken seriously is to: Convince a professional organization such as ACM, IEEE, or USENIX (...
xLeitix's user avatar
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4 votes

How can I find papers of a specific journal?

Go to the IEEE website and use the search they provide:
Solar Mike's user avatar
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4 votes

Are all papers published by ACM indexed in DBLP?

I think this question can be answered via DBLP's FAQ, specifically: What are the criteria for dblp to index a journal or conference? In a nutshell, DBLP has a venue application and review process ...
lighthouse keeper's user avatar
4 votes

Web of Science advanced search returns papers not matching the search criteria

Right, so there are three elements here (let's call them #1, energy, #2, plants, #3, animals) TS=(Digestibility OR “energy content” OR “Nutritive value” OR “forage quality” OR “nutritional value“ OR “...
Andrew is gone's user avatar
4 votes

My Scopus profile shows joint-first authorship as co-authorship. Should I ask for it to be corrected, and will it have any impact?

If people care about Scopus in your field, then maybe, otherwise I wouldn't bother. In my field, I'm fairly sure they don't. I've no idea whether Scopus will take any notice - you'd have to ask them ...
Stuart Golodetz's user avatar
4 votes

Google Scholar mixes all OR-operators to one single OR-condition

The short answer is no. The long answer is no, and you probably shouldn't even try because, as you have found out, the advanced search features of Google Scholar are limited. Complex statements are ...
sErISaNo's user avatar
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3 votes

Where to find the most valid databases about the ranking of countries in research and scientific production?

It seems to me that you haven't made any effort to find information in question, which is easily available online. To illustrate, just a very brief Internet search resulted in the following arguably ...
Aleksandr Blekh's user avatar
3 votes

Find papers authored by a specific number of authors

Based on @Razvan P's hint, I wrote a little python3-script which solves your problem: ''' Created on 01.04.2018 @author: OBu ''' import requests import json from collections import Counter # for ...
OBu's user avatar
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3 votes

Did scopus choose not to add my paper (from an accepted journal) or did something go wrong?

I got a reply from the Journal. I apparently articles are manually added and while the article is older, the journal has recently been added to Scopus. To answer the question: email the journal ...
Ander Biguri's user avatar
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3 votes

Did scopus choose not to add my paper (from an accepted journal) or did something go wrong?

Something probably went wrong. It shouldn't take this long to index. I would contact the journal / publisher and ask. It's possible your article "did not pass" some criteria, but those aren't fixable ...
Allure's user avatar
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3 votes

How to check whether a journal is still listed in Scopus?

Scopus provide a spreadsheet of journals which they index, or have indexed in the past. It is linked from this page. I have downloaded the spreadsheet, and in your case, the journal is specifically ...
MJeffryes's user avatar
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