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Excel in both teaching and research as a junior faculty member

If possible, you can gear towards supervision. Perhaps some research tasks can be offloaded to students? This benefits all parties involved (students get a good CV, you do not need to do tedious tasks)...
Per Alexandersson's user avatar
3 votes

Excel in both teaching and research as a junior faculty member

Specifically, I am looking for advice on burden and time management techniques, ways to integrate teaching and research, and methods for maintaining a healthy work-life balance. Well... Eggy gave ...
BioBrains's user avatar
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5 votes

Excel in both teaching and research as a junior faculty member

The expectations of your department and institution are local features that are known and understood by your experienced colleagues, who all came up in the same professional environment as the one you ...
Dan Romik's user avatar
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18 votes

Excel in both teaching and research as a junior faculty member

As part of my role as an academic editor and coach, I provide productivity coaching to faculty and PhD students in similar circumstances to yours. The majority of full-time and even part-time faculty ...
Eggy's user avatar
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What do I do if I cant find a proper basis for my methods of experimentation?

As user23644521 mentioned, these are references which can be a sort of comparison - those don't have to line up exactly. Look for any kind of similarity between what's written in academic journals and ...
msouden's user avatar
0 votes

What do I do if I cant find a proper basis for my methods of experimentation?

I think you do not need to find the references doing exactly same thing as yours. There are some journals such as Journal of Natural Fibers that might contain some paper tightly or loosely connected ...
user23644521's user avatar
12 votes

Excel in both teaching and research as a junior faculty member

This is impossible to answer without knowing the actual expectations of your university and department. They don't expect 48 hour days and 10 day weeks. "Excel" is poorly defined. Many ...
Buffy's user avatar
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PhD Reapplication

East Asian Study programs are very competitive and often require two East Asian language (a primary and a secondary) at a very high level (my first Ph.D. was in Japanese Studies). If the professors ...
Anutah's user avatar
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PhD Reapplication

What you suggest seems reasonable. Remind them of the previous contact and that your questions are the same if you think it necessary. They won't have remembered some or all of that, but it might be ...
Buffy's user avatar
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9 votes

Good postdoc position, but how to approach advisor about feelings of self-doubt?

It sounds like you have already spoken with your advisor to some degree about this, and you are not yet satisfied with the outcome. I don't believe that at this stage of your career it is your advisor'...
R1NaNo's user avatar
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1 vote

How to Shift from a Technical Mindset to Urban Studies and Theories in Research?

As a partial answer to your question, spend time with and among your test subjects. Experience the urban environments you seek to study. For example, if you're interested in the effects of parks on ...
Richard Erickson's user avatar
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Current advisor wants me to graduate with my PhD soon but I don't feel like I learned a lot or obtained enough skills. Should I discuss this with him?

Aside from university timelines/deadlines, when and how you finish is mostly up to you. This assumes you work with your advisor on a schedule for closing out your research & defense, publications,...
wjktrs's user avatar
  • 213
4 votes

Are there dedicated research facilities in the USA?

Yes there are plenty of those in the US. The Department of Energy National Labs: Lots of slightly smaller Department of Defense labs:
R1NaNo's user avatar
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23 votes

Are there dedicated research facilities in the USA?

Some examples of "dedicated research facilities" in the US where research is conducted by full-time staff who do not have academic appointments would include: Federally Funded Research and ...
Brian Borchers's user avatar
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Current advisor wants me to graduate with my PhD soon but I don't feel like I learned a lot or obtained enough skills. Should I discuss this with him?

Further to the recommendations by other collocutors, it would be important to raise with your advisor the issue of your further employment. I am not sure how things are done in your specific field, ...
Michael_1812's user avatar
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2 votes

Current advisor wants me to graduate with my PhD soon but I don't feel like I learned a lot or obtained enough skills. Should I discuss this with him?

To add on to the other answers, I will just offer my perspective on when a student should wrap up their PhD. In an ideal world, I would like to think that the student has produced a beautiful ...
R1NaNo's user avatar
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Current advisor wants me to graduate with my PhD soon but I don't feel like I learned a lot or obtained enough skills. Should I discuss this with him?

Yes, definitely talk to your advisor about this! If you're feeling too burned out to wrap up your dissertation, tell them this. Maybe you do need a break. What if you take two weeks away from your PhD ...
deee's user avatar
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8 votes

Are there dedicated research facilities in the USA?

There is definitely research done outside of universities. I worked for a decade at National Development Research Institutes, which did research on sexually transmitted illnesses, drug abuse, the ...
Peter Flom's user avatar
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10 votes

Are there dedicated research facilities in the USA?

Most universities in the US have a very complex mission. Research is always "valued" but not always required. There are many primarily teaching colleges and universities, but even those put ...
Buffy's user avatar
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12 votes

Current advisor wants me to graduate with my PhD soon but I don't feel like I learned a lot or obtained enough skills. Should I discuss this with him?

I can't think of any reason not to discuss your concerns with your advisor. It sounds like you need reassurance more than anything. Certainly a break at this point seems counterproductive if your ...
Buffy's user avatar
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Any data for average number of papers per year at different career stages?

Not a direct answer to your question but I once took a look at different labs ("average" and "top labs") in my field and calculated how many papers they published (i.e. the PI) per ...
BioBrains's user avatar
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6 votes

How to find gaps in mathematics/theoretical physics/mathematical physics ? How to proceed after that? (Undergraduate research and Publications)

The sane answer is as already suggested get a PhD in the subject you want to do research in. Doing useful research is really hard. (Getting a job in doing it is even harder!). But I know someone who ...
Kvothe's user avatar
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6 votes

How to find gaps in mathematics/theoretical physics/mathematical physics ? How to proceed after that? (Undergraduate research and Publications)

You have asked two questions - how to find gaps and what to do when you find one. If you know that a gap you have found is real (not just something known that you do not happen to know) and you have ...
Ethan Bolker's user avatar
  • 37.5k
1 vote

Writing a meaningful paper of descriptive analysis/exploratory study

On a purely practical level, you are going to have to please your supervisor (and your committee) to get your degree. Also, this issue should have been resolved early in the process. Different ...
Peter Flom's user avatar
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6 votes

How to find gaps in mathematics/theoretical physics/mathematical physics ? How to proceed after that? (Undergraduate research and Publications)

You can only be an independent researcher, i.e., a researcher without an affiliation with a research institution, if you are already a researcher. For this you should enrol in a PhD program to be ...
The Doctor's user avatar
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3 votes

Writing a meaningful paper of descriptive analysis/exploratory study

I'm going to say that there is an answer here. What you're describing, in my field at least, would not fly for a thesis, let alone a published paper in most cases. It sounds like your advisor would ...
sErISaNo's user avatar
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Severely underperforming during my internship. How do I tell my PI that I want to do more to get a first authored poster at least? Or, am I unfit?

What you say sounds more like culture shock (as you note) and a learning curve than it does like incompetence. You can't expect to master a new environment in a few weeks. You could have a talk with ...
Buffy's user avatar
  • 375k
2 votes

Machine learning researcher as a high-energy physics masters graduate

What would be the most optimal option to become an ML researcher? It very much depends what sort of an "ML researcher" you want to be. Being a professor who studies the theoretical ...
cag51's user avatar
  • 70.5k

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