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How to come back to academic machine learning career after absence due to health issues

I also took an extended mental health detour before getting to my PhD, and my industry programming experience has been very exciting to a lot of the academics I work with because competent programmers ...
deee's user avatar
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Where should I host software for individual papers?

In terms of hosting the actual source code, the other answers have already mentioned that GitHub is a fine and professional place to do so. But one aspect that has not been covered is how to actually ...
Tobias Kildetoft's user avatar
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Where should I host software for individual papers?

There are rules for cases like this. They are covered, for instance, in ME599 course taught at Oregon state university by Dr. Niemeyer:
Ivan Nepomnyashchikh's user avatar
1 vote

As a Computer Engineering / Computer science major, i am quite anxious and embarrassed of my mathematical aptitude

I'm going to try to say this in the nicest way possible, but have you ever considered that maybe Academia isn't for you? The reason why I say this is because I see the younger me in you. When I was ...
anon_user123456's user avatar
1 vote

Where should I host software for individual papers?

I am slightly confused. When you say "host", do you mean distribute the source code or the actual live application? For the source code, I'm would go as far to say as GitHub (and BB, GitLab ...
anon_user123456's user avatar
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How can I recover value in the form of some degree from my time studying for a BSc?

I have significant experience in the software industry. This really have no bearing on whether or not you can get into a master's degree, especially if said master's degree is research oriented. ...
anon_user123456's user avatar
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As a PhD student in computer architecture/eda field, how can I improve my coding ability to work on a large code base and stop procrastinating

My answer is going to be from a software engineering perspective, which as a researcher may or may not be what you are looking for. However, I feel like this question is largely a SoftEng question (...
anon_user123456's user avatar
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Is it considered plagiarism if I implement a program by closely following a book?

Its really hard to give specific help if you are vague about your project scope, and what exactly you are trying to do. However, I will try my best: Porting code from Java to Python is really not ...
anon_user123456's user avatar
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How can I convince my professor that I did not copy from another student?

There are basically three possibilities here assuming you are telling the truth: This really is just a big coincidence Your friend copied you due to your negligence or with malice You both ...
anon_user123456's user avatar
4 votes

How to go about an unclear academic misconduct

You would benefit from splitting your post into paragraphs Like others have said, you let him copy your work which is explicitly against the rules of "no copying answers" so there really ...
anon_user123456's user avatar
4 votes

Does accreditation matter in Computer Science (UK)?

You may wish to take a look at the BCS website to learn more about the accreditation process and what it is intended to signify. There seem to be two benefits to studying an accredited degree. The ...
avid's user avatar
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Does accreditation matter in Computer Science (UK)?

It may matter in the future, in ways that no-one can predict depending on what you may or may not decide to do in future (e.g. a further degree in a decade). Will any job you can get in the mean time ...
afaulconbridge's user avatar
6 votes

Does accreditation matter in Computer Science (UK)?

My undergraduate degree was a BCS accredited BEng in Software Engineering, and when I was applying for graduate programming jobs nobody was interested in the accreditation - they were interested in ...
deee's user avatar
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Seeking Advice on Balancing a Full-Time Job and Studying Computer Science

Just like all the the others, I know nothing about work or education in Egypt. But I will give my two cents and experience. I worked part time from the first semester of Bachelor, but I started to ...
kejtos's user avatar
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Seeking Advice on Balancing a Full-Time Job and Studying Computer Science

I also do not know any specifics on higher education in Egypt, but in my experience most undergrad programmes world-wide are intended to be full-time. While the amount of scheduled coursework (i.e. ...
penelope's user avatar
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2 votes

Seeking Advice on Balancing a Full-Time Job and Studying Computer Science

I have no knowledge of what requirements and time commitments are involved in studying at Egyptian universities or taking on the jobs you mention. But, in general, university education can be a quite ...
Anyon's user avatar
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How can I work around the issues and obtain a proper computing environment?

If you want to have a new machine, you should apply for research grants from government agencies, etc... (It seems your advisor already gave you the correct answer)
TimRias's user avatar
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How can I work around the issues and obtain a proper computing environment?

Cloud Computing/GPU As A Service One very real possibility is Cloud Computing, or GPUaaS. But it's going to come with a very large caveat at the end. My firm opinion is, even if your advisor were ...
Anonymous's user avatar
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Which is More Valuable in Computer Science: Conference or Journal Publications?

As far as prestige goes, either at the same "tier" would be valuable in a CV. The advantage of conference publications, however, is at least twofold. First, the time to publication is ...
Buffy's user avatar
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I recently graduated with a University Bachelor Degree in Computer Engineering, and I am thinking about becoming a Latin teacher. What should I do?

You are obviously passionate about Latin and teaching, and ideally, you'd follow your passion. Still, another full Bachelor's degree is a large investment of time and effort. Have you considered other ...
schrödingcöder's user avatar
4 votes

What is the general procedure to read and understand a research paper written by a third person?

I agree with the comments telling you that your real actual problem is likely to be your advisor. But, I think the question as posed is also valid, and may be of value to others, too. When I was a ...
Anonymous's user avatar
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