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Am I experiencing discrimination from my professor, and if so, how can I safely go about this?

To give you a brief and direct answer - if you think you're being treated unfairly (which in the context of school means being treated substantially differently than other students, in a way that ...
sErISaNo's user avatar
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When do you know things are actually going poorly in graduate school?

For most of us, the signs are nearly invisible until they are obvious. You "know" things are bad when you are told so. Failing comprehensives or having a stern lecture from your advisor are ...
Buffy's user avatar
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My PhD supervisor is leaving for MIT and wants me transfer along, which could prolong PhD. What to do?

You say: [T]ransferring credits is feasible but seems contingent on a strict one-to-one mapping with MIT's course requirements. But in fact this is pretty much the opposite of the truth. The MIT ...
Buzz's user avatar
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Is it possible to go from art school to a graduate school in mathematics?

Regarding your first question, each grad school will have its own policies, but I would say that, at any of them, it will be much harder to get into grad school with an art degree rather than a math ...
Peter Flom's user avatar
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How can I find which US graduate programs in math require the GRE General Subject Test and which require the Mathematics Subject Test?

I'm not big on link-only answers, but since this was reopened I'll put this in as an answer. At time of answering, this resource is fairly current.
user176372's user avatar
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Is it possible to go from art school to a graduate school in mathematics?

Going straight to a PhD program is both not likely to be possible and even if it is, is unlikely to succeed. But many Masters programs at smaller schools which don't have PhDs are setup specifically ...
JoshuaZ's user avatar
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Am I experiencing discrimination from my professor, and if so, how can I safely go about this?

I would bring in a third party to oversee the situation, the department chair is a good option. I had an experience very similar to the situation you described, and I went to the dean of the ...
I Funball's user avatar
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When do you know things are actually going poorly in graduate school?

Like many things, communication is key. My experience with my own master's, and working with other grad students during my degree and after was that those students who had good constant communication ...
Dylan Barton's user avatar
3 votes

My PhD supervisor is leaving for MIT and wants me transfer along, which could prolong PhD. What to do?

Unable to give you a definite recommendation, I would just offer you some food for thought. No matter how stellar your present university happens to be (Waterloo, U of T, MacGill), you position on the ...
Michael_1812's user avatar
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My PhD supervisor is leaving for MIT and wants me transfer along, which could prolong PhD. What to do?

Buzz's excellent answer has covered the issue of transferring credits. I would like to cover the scenario of you not transferring to MIT. My supervisor transferred to a different university about one ...
deee's user avatar
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When do you know things are actually going poorly in graduate school?

You can compare to your peers. Your peers are those other students enrolled in the same graduate school. It's relatively easy for courses: if you're consistently scoring lower grades than them, then ...
Allure's user avatar
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When do you know things are actually going poorly in graduate school?

This answer is very long (sorry!), so in brief: things "going poorly" often depends on the subjective goals of the student, so it's important to figure out what those are and what's needed ...
coffee_into_plots's user avatar
1 vote

All three LOR from math professors while applying for CS program

CS to Math and Math to CS is not an uncommon transition that students might choose to make between undergraduate and graduate schools. You are also majoring in CS, so you are certainly a suitable ...
principles-investigator's user avatar

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