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Questions tagged [tuition]

Fees paid by students to academic institutes they attend to cover educational expenses.

4 votes
1 answer

How did the 2012 rise in university fees in the UK affect university enrollment? [closed]

Did the number of domestic students decrease ? Did international students start to make up a larger % of UK university enrollment?
user124123's user avatar
58 votes
11 answers

Why do American universities cost so much?

Being from Russia, the idea of paying 5-6 digit sums for a university education sounds ludicrous. I understand that prices in the US are different but surely there have to be cheaper options. Besides, ...
Iam Cleaver's user avatar
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Does following a PhD cost money or earn money?

According to, which quotes the New York Times, PhD students earn 15000 and 30000 dollars per year. But according to Educationdata: In 2012, the average cost of a full year in a ...
Riemann's user avatar
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1 vote
2 answers

Does being accepted in a PhD program guarantee that my tuition is payed for?

I'm a prospective psychology PhD student, and one of the most intimidating problems was tuition expenses, but I've checked a number of PhD programs (NYU, Carniege-Mellon, Princeton) and they all say ...
Al-Amry's user avatar
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1 answer

If someone is a Canadian permanent resident, can they pay tuition fees at the domestic rate?

Every Canadian tertiary institution maintains different rates for domestic students and international students for the payment of tuition fees. If someone has a Canadian PR (Permanent Residency), can ...
user366312's user avatar
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0 votes
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How much money is spent on students' above their tuition fees in the UK?

It is well known at the university which I went to (Cambridge), that way more money is spent on each student than the home-tier tutition fee (it is partly payed for by the exorbitant cost of ...
zabop's user avatar
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17 votes
8 answers

How realistic is it to pay for one's living and tuition with a student job? [closed]

How do people pay for a Bsc without taking massive loans? Is there enough time in a waking day to both study and financially support yourself with a job that is relevant to your field of study? Is it ...
Anonymir's user avatar
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5 votes
4 answers

Why do undergraduates pay for their education, but postgraduates are paid?

Per title. Undergraduate tuition often costs tens of thousands of dollars per year, but postgraduates are commonly paid a stipend. Not a lot of money, but still much better than having to pay for ...
Allure's user avatar
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What are the possible grants/stipends/scholarships that are available in the Republic of Austria? [closed]

Yesterday I was offered to join Central European University (now situated in Vienna, Austria). The dream came true, and I was invited to get a MPA degree. CEU Admissions Committee gave me a very ...
rg4s's user avatar
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1 answer

Is tertiary education free of cost in Spain and Portugal?

I know that in some EU countries tertiary education is absolutely free (i.e., supported entirely by taxes) if someone knows the languages up to C2 level. For instance, I know that irrespective of ...
user366312's user avatar
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-3 votes
2 answers

Can a non-enrolled/non-registered student use the instructor's intellectual property under fair use? [closed]

What is the transaction being made by paying tuition at most US colleges/universities? Are you paying for the time spent teaching, the price of education/intellectual property, or the diploma itself? ...
B Green's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Legal responsibility of a university for international students (Europe)

I am a non-EU student in a European university that has international master and doctoral programs for foreign students. I have found the university does not offer important forms in English that ...
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51 votes
4 answers

Does it cost universities less to teach online?

As more colleges stay online, students demand tuition cuts The article talks about students demanding tuition cuts because online classes are less effective, and because lots of things they pay for ...
Allure's user avatar
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0 answers

COVID-19 impact on university tuition fee [closed]

If US universities switch to online education during the Coronavirus crisis, what will the impact it will have on tuition fees?
Ashrith's user avatar
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30 votes
5 answers

Will doing a chargeback on tuition hurt my chances at getting into the same university for grad school?

I'm taking an independent phys ed course at my local university. I'm also currently studying for the GRE and I'm hoping to start grad school here in a totally different department in fall 2021. There'...
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30 votes
10 answers

Does any country have free college & open admissions?

Here's my rough understanding of differences in higher education in different countries: In the U.S., college is paid for in general by the individual student, not the state. On the other hand, ...
Daniel R. Collins's user avatar
-1 votes
1 answer

Is it worth the sacrifices to choose the United States instead of the E.U. for a Master's programme? [closed]

I'm graduating from my Bachelor programme in Computer Science and Engineering at EPFL (Switzerland) next year, in July. Although I can continue at EPFL for my Master's degree (or an even higher ranked ...
David Cian's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

Tuition to transfer to massachusetts during a degree [closed]

My husband is currently in the middle of his degree in chemistry (we are both independent adults without links or support to parents/family). I am the main wage earner for our household and we ...
Vality's user avatar
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9 votes
4 answers

When did US undergraduate education become so expensive?

As far as I know, in the majority of countries in the world, especially in Europe, undergraduate education, even at the top universities, is almost always significantly less expensive than at ...
math_lover's user avatar
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7 answers

Does it make sense to pay tuition fees for a PhD degree? [duplicate]

Some Ph.D. programs charge tuition fees. Others are competitive. Does a Ph.D. done by paying tuition fees have the same gravity as a Ph.D. done on stipend when it comes to an academic career? When ...
user366312's user avatar
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2 votes
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Is it possible or common to receive a scholarship from home country for international students?

I'm looking to pursue my Ph.D. degree in a different country. Currently, I'm working on my Master's thesis. The major challenge for me would be to receive a tuition fee waiver from the University I'm ...
Oleg's user avatar
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8 votes
1 answer

Academic position in the UK, do universities in the UK pay for dependent tuition?

I'm an assistant professor in the US and I would like to move to the UK. My daughter will be starting college this September and I was wondering if universities in the UK offer any tuition waivers if ...
Julia_arch's user avatar
8 votes
1 answer

Selling of monuments: What does it mean?

I am watching the documentary "Free to Choose, Part 6: What's Wrong With Our Schools" at this link At 20:08, Friedman says: Many of the buildings and facilities at Dartmouth have been donated by ...
robertspierre's user avatar
1 vote
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What does it actually mean by the sentence "tuition is paid by the supervisor"?

What does it actually mean by the sentence "tuition is paid for by the supervisor" ? Why would the supervisor pay the tuition fee for a PhD student?
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7 votes
2 answers

Costs of having a US-based PhD supervisor doing a PhD in Germany?

A little background first, as this is maybe not familiar to people outside Germany: In Germany there are universities that can not award PhDs. So called "Hochschulen/Fachhochschulen". This means they ...
asquared's user avatar
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Waiving library costs if the student has own access

Costs of print and electronic resources including access to journals and books are usually part of tuition fees for PhD and MSc programmes. Are there universities which waive such costs if the ...
Orion's user avatar
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Why has there not been established any coherent measure of educative quality? [closed]

It seems nonsensical and backwards that university institutions can attract students by boasting with their brand value or exorbitant tuition fees rather than focusing on the actual educative quality ...
Jankarli's user avatar
98 votes
7 answers

Why can't universities work around the proposed reclassification of tuition remission as taxable income, by not charging tuition?

There has been a lot of press about how the new tax proposals currently being considered by Congress could hurt grad students because one of the plans would treat remitted tuition as taxable income. ...
user83035's user avatar
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3 answers

What can we do as faculty to make tuition more affordable for students? Do we have an obligation to make tuition more affordable? [closed]

The inflation rate of tuition in the US has been higher than the general economy's inflation rate for some time, sometimes it is twice as high What can the faculty do to stop/slow this down?
user82593's user avatar
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15 votes
1 answer

What is a tuition waiver (in the US)?

A tax proposal in the US is reported to make "tuition waivers that many graduate students receive when they work as teaching assistants or researchers" taxable. I am currently a PhD student at a US ...
NeutronStar's user avatar
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Tuition fees vs enrolment fees?

What is the difference between tuition fees and enrolment fees? The University I'm planning to apply for MA studies, requires Non-EU students to pay 1500 euros per semester for tuition and 150 euros ...
escplat12's user avatar
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Pay for a Doctorate by working at institution?

A friend of mine was working on a doctorate at a local university, and they offered to hire him as an adjunct so he wouldn't have to pay for the doctorate. Is there an easier way for me to search ...
M. Johnson's user avatar
4 votes
3 answers

Slow dissertation advisor: should I complain?

My doctoral advisor has regularly taken 3-4 weeks to respond to each round of my revisions on my doctoral dissertation draft. Because of her lengthy response delays, I defended very late in the ...
Jessica Rabbit's user avatar
10 votes
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Scholarship award not being honored

I was announced as a recipient of a scholarship from an organization outside of the university, and the organization doesn't seem to be honoring the scholarship. The announcement was made months ago ...
Golightly's user avatar
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How much public funding do private universities in the United States receive, directly or indirectly?

I am trying to assess how much public funding private universities in the United States receive. I found a study that partially answers the question: Taxpayer Subsidies for Most Colleges and ...
Franck Dernoncourt's user avatar
0 votes
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How to estimate cost of a course when price is quoted per semester but program has three semesters?

I'm looking to get an MBA at University of Texas at Austin. I'm planning on working full-time while going to school, so I'm interested in their Evening MBA program. I'm trying to understand costs. ...
user avatar
1 vote
5 answers

Is it normal for US PhD programs to require students to pay tuition for extra credits beyond 9 credits/semester?

Last semester I chose 12 credits, but the department said it can only pay for 9 credits, i.e. I have to pay for the extra 3 credits by myself. No one ever told me about such rules before. I thought ...
SentToJailBecauseImTooHandsome's user avatar
19 votes
5 answers

Why would a grad school reduce fees to a trivial amount rather than reduce stipend?

When I applied to grad schools I was accepted with full tuition wavers and stipends to all but one. That one gave me a good stipend and reduced tuition to a trivial fee ($300). They say you can even ...
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-8 votes
1 answer

Should I pay up the rest of my tuition? [closed]

I'm from a third world country sponsored by my government to study in Canada. I messed up my last year and my full scholarship was revoked, so I had to repeat a whole year with my own money. You won't ...
Keith's user avatar
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Is it normal for graduate tuition to be much cheaper than undergraduate tuition?

The undergraduate tuition in the University of Rochester is $49260 per year. On the other hand, graduate tuition adds up to only $27684 (18 credit hours). Am I missing something?
Quevun's user avatar
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Is TAing a necessary evil?

My understanding is that Masters and PhD students often need to TA -- even if they're already research assistants to a professor. I'm a first year undergraduate who took courses heavily TA-reliant ...
Muno's user avatar
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How do I pay for classes as a non-degree student?

I've already earned my degree (B.S. in Neuroscience, Psychology and Music), but need to take some pre-requisite classes before applying to a Masters in Physician Assistant Studies program. These ...
Nick's user avatar
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40 votes
6 answers

Why didn't more people graduate with a college degree when it was "affordable"?

Adjusting for inflation, (without too much controversy, I expect), it is evident that college was more affordable in the past. See for example, this chart of Tuition and Fees and Room and Board over ...
MarsOneRover's user avatar
16 votes
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Why are Ph.D admission numbers low?

I am applying to a few Ph.D programs in mathematics and I found that most schools only admit about 5% of applicants. I know most programs fund students; some schools give stipends to all incoming ...
user5826's user avatar
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Is it possible to pursue masters degree in the US university without getting financial back-up from family?

I am a undergraduate student majoring in Human resource management and planning to get admitted in such a university where I have great opportunity to do research. Is it possible to pursue masters ...
GoodboY's user avatar
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38 votes
8 answers

What consequences are there if, having already graduated and received my degree, I do not pay up my tuition fees?

Background: I just graduated from a US university. I have also received my diploma (both in paper form mailed to me and also in electronic form) certifying that I have received such-and-such a degree. ...
user avatar
48 votes
10 answers

Is education in Europe really this cheap?

Is tuition in Europe really US$300 or €200 a year? That is one tenth the cost of the tuition in the developing country university where I took my bachelor's and master's. Is it really true that some ...
BCLC's user avatar
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Master's degree in science is generally not free in US, CANADA, UK, OZ, NZ? (Tuition)

I had the impression that in general, PhD programs are the only really "free" ones in higher education in those typically high cost English-speaking countries that they charge no tuition, pay you to ...
Prunes's user avatar
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12 votes
4 answers

If most universities in the U.S are non-profit, why are they so expensive? [duplicate]

Tuition can easily get in the tens (if not hundreds) of thousands of dollars for a 4-year degree. This is unarguably many times over what the university needs to cover the costs of offering their ...
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3 votes
2 answers

What is the typical cost of Summer Course education in the US?

I would like to pursue summer college courses - particularly a creative writing class and a computer science class - to help broaden my knowledge and improve upon myself as a person. However, ...
Zibbobz's user avatar
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