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-1 votes
1 answer

On average what is the likelihood that a research fellow will eventually become a lecturer or an assistant professor? [duplicate]

I was trying to determine the probability that someone who is currently a research fellow will become a lecturer or assistant professor within the next five years and I was wondering if someone could ...
1 vote
1 answer

How much do you agree with Elon Musk statement that non one is going to read your publications? [closed]

I have seen a public video on youtube where Elon Musk gave his opinion about academic publications: He stated that most academic publications are pretty ...
10 votes
3 answers

Academic rank equivalence between the UK and the US systems

What are the US equivalent ranks to the Lecturer, Senior Lecturer, Reader (or Associate Prof), Professor ranks of the UK system? Is it correct that in the US system they are Assistant Prof, Associate ...
10 votes
6 answers

Asking a faculty member at my university that I have not met(!) about his research, and about courses that deal with his specialty/my career goal?

I am an undergraduate student pursuing a double major in Computer Science B.S. and Mathematics B.S. My dream career is to work in quant. finance. However, my school does not have a dedicated ...
0 votes
1 answer

Associate Professor vs Assistant Professor vs Lecturer [duplicate]

I want to know the difference between associate and assistant professor in terms of contract length, status and salary. And also how both positions are published and what's the recruitment process of ...
6 votes
3 answers

What valid reason can I give for my low CGPA to a prospective PhD advisor? [closed]

I am applying for PhD in US universities and my CGPA is lower than they ask for. But I believe my research experience is good enough to get a position. When I contacted a professor with my CV, he ...
-1 votes
1 answer

What are some questions that you can ask your prospective Ph.D. supervisor during interview? [duplicate]

I have an interview with a professor for a Ph.D. position in the US next week. As I was going through the possible questions that a professor can ask, so I was wondering what if they ask me if I have ...
4 votes
5 answers

The choice between changing advisor or just ignoring her and do the PhD research alone?

I'am 2nd year PhD student and I'm in the phase of problem definition and exploration for my research. Other than research, I also do both RA (working on paper review, grants, etc) and TA jobs as well. ...
2 votes
0 answers

My original plan was academia. I'm a grad student. I'm uncertain if I want to keep this is my end goal [closed]

I'm posting this here because I frankly am not sure where else to ask a question like this. If anyone has a better idea where this should go let me know. I'm a third year American graduate student in ...
0 votes
1 answer

How can a present software-engineer (with experience of 5 years at least) turn into a physics professor? [closed]

There are often many people who switch careers midway. Some from software engineering to a product management role which is quite popular given relevance of previous career to current career. Another ...
0 votes
1 answer

Can I write I worked as a referee in a journal in my CV? [duplicate]

I have recently reviewed an article. I am applying for a Ph.D. position nowadays so I am upgrading my CV and writing the professors. Is it ok if I write that I worked as a referee and mention the ...
5 votes
4 answers

What is the benefit of review a scientific paper as a referee? [duplicate]

I got an invitation to review a scientific paper from a journal. I accepted the offer to review but was wondering what benefits I might get if I review a paper? Can I write it in my CV as I will be ...
2 votes
1 answer

What are some criteria to get an Australian PhD scholarship? [closed]

I want to apply for a PhD in Australia and I wrote a professor (who has an open position) with my CV. He was very positive in his mail and encouraged me to apply for that position. Now I want to know ...
3 votes
1 answer

Dual Job by a Professor in Europe

I have seen many professor are working in a research institute and also a full-time professor at a University. How is it feasible? Are they involve in the dual job and getting a salary from a research ...
1 vote
2 answers

Is it ok if I write to all professors that are offering Ph.D. positions the same email?

I saw some Ph.D. positions from a particular university. Most of the projects align well with my interest. So before applying, I want to write the professors some queries (e.g. just to know what he is ...

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