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Funding Regulations Involving Industrial Partners for PhD Students in the Netherlands

I currently have a working contract of 4 years with my university in the Netherlands as an employed PhD candidate (werknemer-promovendus). The funding for this PhD, as I was told by my promotor (term ...
14 votes
5 answers

My department asks to pay back to them the compensation I have received for being a member in a grant proposal assessment committee

Basically, it is as the title says. I have received an invitation to be a member of a grant proposal committee. They have offered a compensation for each working day (which includes interview sessions)...
4 votes
3 answers

My master thesis supervisor wants me to continue as his PhD student, but he has no funds at the moment. Any advice?

I am currently working on my master thesis in physics and mathematics and will finish within a few months. My supervisor told me he would like to continue with my thesis' research subject and asked me ...
2 votes
1 answer

NWO Veni grant application: domein-overschrijdend or humanities? [closed]

I am working on a Veni (introductory individual) grant application to the Dutch Organization for Science, NWO. My proposal is interdisciplinary in its methodology, but firmly rooted in historical ...