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Questions tagged [copyright]

Copyright issues: publication agreements, copyright transfer upon publication, legal status of work-for-hire in academia, etc.

15 votes
3 answers

Request for high res figures: what should I be mindful of?

A researcher in my field has written to ask me high resolution files for 5 figures from 3 different papers of mine. He states: Currently I am revising one review article where I have used several ...
F'x's user avatar
  • 73.5k
16 votes
3 answers

Ownership of the code

My advisor sets the problem. I implement the solution for this particular problem and for the set of similar problems using a programming language. My question is, can I put the code in the public ...
NPcompleteUser's user avatar
17 votes
3 answers

What versions of a paper do I still hold rights to?

I just had my first paper accepted for publication (hooray!), but I'm wondering how copyright works for the paper. I know that for this publication, the publishing house owns the copyright of the ...
Jeremy's user avatar
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13 votes
2 answers

Can I hand out students a few pages from books as supplementary materials?

No textbook is perfect. So if I want to supplement my course with some material (a few pages from different references every now and then, on topics I find lacking or weak in the textbook): is it ...
James's user avatar
  • 141
79 votes
9 answers

Can I use images showing up in Google search for my presentation slides without violating any copyright?

I am teaching a freshman science course for the first time and I am doing also outreach activities in high schools. To be able to attract the young generation to science one has to connect the ...
New Science Faculty's user avatar
12 votes
2 answers

What licensing concerns are there for using content from Stack Exchange in an academic paper?

All content under Stack Exchange is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike license. Does this mean that any academic paper that uses content from Stack Exchange must also be licensed ...
Joe Z.'s user avatar
  • 223
29 votes
4 answers

Co-authorship for not very involved supervisor

I have now completed my PhD by research. I received support from my supervisor in the form of advice on my chapters (for which I am indebted to him; we have a very good working relationship). The ...
Javeer Baker's user avatar
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16 votes
1 answer

How successful are publication agreement addenda?

I work in the field of chemistry, where some of the prominent publishers have very invasive (or restrictive) copyright transfer agreements. Thus, I'm considering the use of amendments (or addenda) to ...
F'x's user avatar
  • 73.5k
13 votes
3 answers

I am preparing the presentation of a co-authored research, who owns the copyright?

I have a question about copyright. When I make a presentation based on my research (together with co-authors from other countries), who owns the copyright of the presentation? I think, only I have the ...
Markus Klein's user avatar
17 votes
2 answers

Military usage of scientific work

I'm currently writing my diploma thesis (old equivalent of master in Germany) in mathematics. It's about a fairly new combinatorical optimization problem which has military applications. In fact, the ...
stefan's user avatar
  • 278
24 votes
2 answers

How much do figures need to differ to avoid copyright claims?

It sometimes arise that I need to use, for an article, a book chapter or any other written work, figures that I have already published (not figures published by others). These are usually schematic ...
F'x's user avatar
  • 73.5k
40 votes
3 answers

Is it necessary to obtain permissions for copying figures from published articles in your proposal/dissertation?

I am currently writing a proposal for my research topic and I want to copy figures from published articles into my proposal document. To put it in perspective, almost all the copied figures are to go ...
Shashank Sawant's user avatar
16 votes
3 answers

Can "Feel free to contact me if you are interested in a copy of any of my publications." cause legal issues?

I know that some journals allow public archiving of publications (making them available for download) on a researcher's personal website. Some of these journals (at least in my field), however, ...
crsh's user avatar
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15 votes
3 answers

Is it a faux pas to ask for a colleague's figure in a separate but related publication?

I'm an undergraduate with virtually no experience with the expectations of academia (so I apologize in advance for the silly question). I'm finishing up a paper describing my research and would like ...
user avatar
75 votes
4 answers

I'd like to use a figure from a paper; what's the best way to do this?

So, I've seen a really nice figure in a paper; what's the best way to 'get a copy'? Will it be on the publisher's website? Do I need to draw my own version? Email the author? And, finally, how does ...
User 17670's user avatar
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30 votes
4 answers

What to do when principal investigator publishes your work without putting you down as a coauthor?

Say I am post-doc in the USA, and my PI (principal investigator) just published a review I wrote, with pictures I took of my experiments without putting my name as the author. What tools do I have at ...
user avatar
15 votes
3 answers

Why is Paper Publishing and getting a patent completely unrelated?

I know that not all, but many papers (that are accepted and published) are based on ideas that can be patented as well. So, why is that there is no system in which a person can apply for a Publishing ...
user avatar
20 votes
3 answers

Who holds intellectual property rights on a thesis?

I thought of an interesting idea for a thesis for my Masters program and I think I would eventually be able to sell a product that is built from the algorithms/code that I develop for this thesis. I ...
jluzwick's user avatar
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28 votes
5 answers

Citing sources of problems in assignments

This question was raised by Dave Clarke here. When a textbook author approaches a topic in a novel way or presents a particularly interesting example, I believe that a teacher who creates lecture ...
JRN's user avatar
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10 votes
2 answers

Releasing one version of a Scientific Paper under an Open License

I am going to release a Technical Report that will be archived and made available online by the university's library. An abridged version of the work was accepted by a peer-reviewed conference and ...
clstaudt's user avatar
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14 votes
3 answers

How can I get the rights to my final year project?

I live in the UK, study Computing and I'm about to start my final year. I have been told by friends that the University holds the right to my final year project. Is there a way of getting the rights ...
geminiCoder's user avatar
8 votes
2 answers

Publishing policies for conference papers

I got two papers accepted and I am just wondering how to know their policy towards publishing my papers also on CoRR. is it fine to publish the same paper in CoRR and in the conference?
seteropere's user avatar
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14 votes
3 answers

What does it mean when a paper is copyrighted by an organization?

While I was searching for materials for my research topic, I found a research paper which is signed as copyright by "Some organization". Does that mean that I could not use the content of this paper ...
Nafaa Boutefer's user avatar
47 votes
8 answers

Can I publish the reviews I write?

This is a follow-up question to Open versus Blind reviewing process, and is somehow related to What happens to the reviews that people write for journal articles after they're sent back to the ...
user avatar
88 votes
6 answers

Does publishing a paper on arXiv prevent me from submitting it to a non-open access journal?

If I publish a pre-print paper on arXiv, how can I guarantee exclusive rights to the publisher afterwards? Am I unable to publish on non-open access journals after I publish a pre-print on arXiv ?
Stefano Borini's user avatar

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