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Questions tagged [books]

Related to academic books, including scholarly books, textbooks, and reference books. Considerations related to publishing academic books, choosing textbooks, etc., come under this tag.

3 votes
2 answers

Writing graduate,undergraduate or research level math textbooks?

I know that writing textbooks is an art in itself, as opposed to writing research papers. Where can I find a good source for learning to write this type of book at the undergraduate, postgraduate, ...
Abdullah M Al-jazy's user avatar
-1 votes
1 answer

Are journals interested in reviews of books that are several years old? [closed]

It seems that most book reviews are published within a year of the publication of the book. I assume that the more recent the book, the more interested a journal will be in publishing a review. But at ...
Doubt's user avatar
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8 votes
1 answer

Academic Interview Question: "What is the title of your second book?"

Background: I watch a lot of YouTube content lately about PhDs, postdocs, and an academic career in general, and one content creator that stands out is the amazing Tara Brabazon. In one of her videos,...
Shaun's user avatar
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7 votes
7 answers

I can't come to finish the textbooks I start

Background I decided to pursue Physics independent of my course, a while back. I selected a few textbooks to study for this. And.. I could not come to "finish"[1] them. It's been an year and ...
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-1 votes
1 answer

Can I cite and reference a book in a research or graduate work if I don't know its license?

Is it strictly legal to cite or reference to books found on the internet in my graduate work or research or not? I don't know their license, but heard about fair use rule or law in the US. The thing I ...
George Glebov's user avatar
0 votes
2 answers

How can I access specific parts of a solutions manual that is not locally available?

I am currently facing a challenge in accessing specific problems from the solutions manual of a textbook that is crucial for my studies. The manual in question is not available in any library near me, ...
PBH's user avatar
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18 votes
10 answers

Who is the target audience for the $60+ academic books?

I like to read philosophy and some of the books published by academics are sold at very high prices compared to average layperson books. I was wondering who is the target audience/customer for these ...
Jon's user avatar
  • 313
1 vote
1 answer

Books about teaching at university following quality standards? [closed]

What introductory books are there for a new university lecturer to know about teaching with quality assurance in mind?
Sahran's user avatar
  • 153
11 votes
2 answers

Can reviewers work on my book chapter themselves?

I am new here, and relatively young. This is my first book chapter, I usually publish articles, and I was invited to write a chapter as a co-author by a colleague. After analyzing what my contribution ...
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21 votes
3 answers

Is it normal to be expected to read a 400 page academic textbook in a week?

As a student starting his masters degree, I was given an academic textbook on reinforcement learning, and I was asked to read it by next week by the professor. I just joined his research group. I ...
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2 votes
0 answers

Balancing reading and college responsibilities

My exams start in three weeks. In three weeks I will reach all the planned obligations, but I have one problem. I bought a book that I wanted to read for a long time. The book has a large number of ...
Zagors's user avatar
  • 29
3 votes
1 answer

Is it acceptable to add the dedication of a chapter in an academic scientific book?

Is it acceptable to add the dedication of a chapter in an academic scientific book? Is there a way to thank the ones who supported me though writing the chapters?
Avi's user avatar
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3 votes
1 answer

What will happen to my to downloaded PDFs on springer if I no longer have institutional access?

I'm a high schooler who self studies math. A university in my state (University of Minnesota) is offering college courses to high schoolers so I automatically get access to, and can download, books on ...
jgifeif43fj43's user avatar
5 votes
2 answers

Alternative for illegal downloading books

There are books with scientific content, very broadly cited in bibliography that haven't been printed by any publisher for decades (as far as I am aware). Plus hardly any copies have ever reached my ...
Νικολέτα Σεβαστού's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

Offers to include my published paper in an open access book?

I published a paper, and I've been receiving offers from various publishers to include the paper in open access books. What should I do please?
Hela Kaoual's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

Can an author choose the reviewer of their book?

I suspect the answer is no. The problem is, there is a group of scholars who would invariably trash the works of young scholars from a certain school of thought (they already did). My book was ...
Evangeline's user avatar
0 votes
4 answers

Is it a bad form to ask for extra complimentary copies from academic publisher?

I've published a book based on my thesis with a reputable academic publisher. It turns out that I have to provide 2 more books to my university than I originally thought - they say for archival ...
Evangeline's user avatar
14 votes
3 answers

Would it be well-received to ask for the LaTeX source of a textbook?

My screen reader has a hard time with PDF documents. As I delve into more niche textbooks, I increasingly find them only in print/PDF rather than EPUB. This makes it difficult to learn when the screen ...
user760900's user avatar
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-1 votes
2 answers

Do any colleges/universities require professors to provide the library with a free copy of a book they have written while employed by the school? [closed]

Let's say Professor X, who is currently a tenured professor at Y University, writes a book on genetic mutation. Is it likely Y University has a policy that requires Professor X to supply the ...
Bigjon37's user avatar
1 vote
3 answers

Listing "Publications" in CV - How to list multiple co-authored book chapters from one single Book?

I have co-authored 2 book chapters on two different topics under 1 Book Title. The Book has a single editor (but not co-author to these chapters), one ISBN and one DOI number. The chapters do not have ...
Celestial-Voyage's user avatar
16 votes
3 answers

Why do " 'inclusive' access" textbooks normally self-destruct after a year or so?

Background information (you can skip this) There's a technology called automatic textbook billing, or "inclusive" access (IA). It is also known by many other names. With IA, students are ...
unforgettableidSupportsMonica's user avatar
11 votes
5 answers

How do I cite a book when it seems to have no year?

This is an edge case my mental citation engine couldn't quite handle. I'm entering all my physical books in a database, to do more principled library management (at long last), and I ran into a book, ...
Duncan W's user avatar
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6 votes
1 answer

What does someone earn by writing a scientific book (apart from money)?

What does someone earn by writing a scientific book (apart from money)? When somebody uses his/her time to write a scientific book, and I am referring to the top publishers. What does the author earn? ...
mike's user avatar
  • 485
1 vote
2 answers

Does a scientific book offer something to the author's CV or is it better to write journals/papers?

Does a scientific book offers something to the author's CV or is it better to write journals/papers in order to improve his/her CV? update (24/06/2023): I am talking about the following: Computer ...
mike's user avatar
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-1 votes
1 answer

How long an essay can be?

I was sure that even the longest essays are about 20-25 pages. But Eric Gill's "An Essay on Typography" is more than 150 pages. And here it becomes unclear to me where is a difference ...
jsx97's user avatar
  • 109
2 votes
1 answer

Trouble with exercises and problem solving in graduate math textbooks

Firstly I'd like to apologize if this is too much of an opinion-based question. I do not know where else would be appropriate for such a post, if there is such a place please let me know. I am very ...
CBBAM's user avatar
  • 131
-1 votes
1 answer

If I want to write and publish a book where I use C++ code for GPUs, what are the steps? [closed]

If I want to write and publish a book where I use my examples with C++ code that I have written for specific GPUs, what are the steps? Is there an infringement, because I will base the examples to ...
mike's user avatar
  • 485
1 vote
1 answer

Is it ok for a thesis chapter to start with a figure?

Slightly different to the question here which asks is it ok to put a figure in the introduction of a thesis, is it ok to start a thesis chapter with an illustration like a figure or table? An even ...
user avatar
14 votes
5 answers

Is publishing a chapter in a book considered as valuable as a journal publication?

I received an invitation from a Prof. in an highly ranked University to publish a chapter in a book (Computer Science). The book publisher is a well known publisher. As far as I know, the chapter will ...
Avi's user avatar
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0 votes
2 answers

What factors do distinguish undergrad physics textbooks and grad physics textbooks?

I'm an math student pursuing to Master's degree, and I'm taking physics classes as an auditor. (My campus marks them "applied math" and "applied physics", but I don't think that ...
Dannyu NDos's user avatar
0 votes
0 answers

How long does Springer give reviewers to peer-review an original book?

It can take months for articles in journals. But a proportional amount of time would make it years for a book, so that cannot be it. Does anyone have a ballpark recent figure for a 90,000 word ...
user354948's user avatar
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-1 votes
2 answers

Does collecting some peer-reviewed articles in a "self-published" book promote it to a valuable scholarly book?

I have two scholarly books self-published in the field of physics. However, some parts of my books have previously been published in peer-reviewed journals and the editors of my books have academic ...
Mohammad Javanshiry's user avatar
15 votes
2 answers

Why does Springer need 85,000 words in a monograph?

I'm dealing with Springer about a monograph proposal. My draft was 80,000 words and they asked me to make it 85–100,000 words. I don't want to bother the editor with a question that is just out of ...
user354948's user avatar
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7 votes
1 answer

In google scholar my book and its 2.5k citations is assigned to the wrong author: what can I do?

In 2008, myself, Bill Langdon and Nic McPhee wrote a book entitled "A field guide to genetic programming". We made it freely available on the internet so as to maximally benefit the field of ...
Riccardo Poli's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

What are some good resources to adapt oneself to academia and its customs? [closed]

I am an engineer in Academia, coming from a Master's degree that is pretty distant from Academia. I am ten months into my job and I still feel a bit distant about Academia, scientific research and the ...
C. Crt's user avatar
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1 vote
1 answer

How correctly write ordinal numbers in a scientific thesis?

I'm wrtiting my Master of Science thesis in Aerospace Engineering and I've a doubt about wrtiting of ordinal numbers? Let' us consider the following alternatives:$i$th, $i$-th. What is the correct ...
g_don's user avatar
  • 261
3 votes
1 answer

How should a textbook structure its answer key to minimise contamination of the student's memory?

I read many textbooks (mainly multichoice questions or short answers) and they seem to put all the answers together and that seems bad because the student can't do a section without seeing the answers ...
user2617804's user avatar
28 votes
3 answers

I want to cite a theorem from a book written by influential scientists. However the theorem is not proven in the book. Should I add a proof of my own?

I want to cite a theorem from a book written by two computer scientist that I consider to be influential and renowned. If you want the specifics, I want to cite Theorem 11.8 from the book ...
Alonso Montero's user avatar
3 votes
0 answers

How often do popular academic books use unacknowledged ghost writers and is this a form of fraud or plagiarism?

My impression is that the use of ghostwriters is common and sort of accepted / an open secret in some contexts (e.g. books by celebrities or politicians). I'm curious if others have that impression, ...
capybaralet's user avatar
4 votes
1 answer

Is it ethical to use an illegal pdf of a book that you bought?

Let’s say the situation is this: you bought a physical copy of a textbook, and for whatever reason you want to view a pdf version of said book, maybe so that you don’t have to carry it around, etc., ...
Justin T's user avatar
  • 211
4 votes
2 answers

Uploading a preliminary version of a book/monograph to arXiv

Suppose you're working on a lengthy text that you would like to publish as a book or a "research monograph". For example in mathematics stuff like Springer Lecture Notes, Memoirs of the AMS, ...
ppm5's user avatar
  • 41
2 votes
1 answer

How can I access an eBook or an article?

I come from a part of the world where neither I nor my institutional library can afford to access certain eBooks, not because of any imposed restriction but because of a lack of funds. It is quite ...
Firdous Mala's user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

How are exercises in Senior Year Undergraduate Textbooks meant to be treated?

I am studying Averill M Law's "Simulation Modeling and Analysis". It has 30 questions as exercises for Chapter 1. But our exams never ask for such things. They used to ask "exercises/...
gomhur's user avatar
  • 21
19 votes
5 answers

Will people translate obscure books for free? [closed]

This question arises out of this question here. Basically, I was hoping that someone could help me find an English translation of a 1722 work by Nicolas de la Mare, titled Traité de la Police or "...
Curious Layman's user avatar
-1 votes
1 answer

Can i publish a book chapter independently?

My question is can I publish a book chapter independently? I have completed my PhD and currently I am not enrolled anywhere, in this case can I publish it without approval of guide or institution?
Jyotsna Priyam's user avatar
3 votes
2 answers

What are options for a second edition of an article

I've seen second editions of philosophical articles. For example, Quine's From a Logical Point of View is a collection of articles, some of them updated. But I have never seen a second edition of an ...
user354948's user avatar
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-4 votes
1 answer

Recommendation for a journal for an amateur to publish a biblical archaeology article in [closed]

I have a theory about the chronology of the Exodus. I am in retrospect neither a Minimalist, a Maximalist, nor a supporter of the New Chronology. I'm not a believer in actual miracles, but nonetheless ...
CodeLurker's user avatar
3 votes
2 answers

Best way to read academic/scientific books [duplicate]

I’m a computer science student in the second semester. I passed all my first exams fairly well and can follow my lectures quite decent (usually). But whenever I want to dig deeper into a topic and try ...
a curious student's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

How do you release a previously published, copyrighted work as open access?

I am working on an open-access textbook. I have the permission of an author to use material from a previously published book from 20 years ago which the publisher returned the rights to digital ...
N Brouwer's user avatar
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41 votes
5 answers

Do academic libraries preserve the contents of books before selling them?

I’m a mathematician (after a fashion), working in industry, and I find great value in older books about geometry, written between around 1850 and 1920. I notice that my favorite books are often ...
bubba's user avatar
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