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6 votes
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Should Textbook chapters Contain a "Summary" Section

I am far enough along with an introductory textbook in the computing field that it looks like I might finish. For each chapter so far, I've written a final "Summary" section that ...
Bob Brown's user avatar
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11 votes
3 answers

Online vs hard copy, which texts are students more likely to read?

I am wondering if anyone knows of any studies that indicate whether students read online texts more or less than hard copy texts. I am in the midst of trying to "reboot" the intro stats class I teach ...
Matt Brenneman's user avatar
9 votes
3 answers

Books/resources for new faculty [closed]

I recently accepted a TT asst prof position in computer science at an elite SLAC in the US. During my job search I perused Karen Kelsky's book "The Professor is In", and I found it very valuable, ...
Marko Alexandrovich Ramius's user avatar
12 votes
4 answers

Is there a (text)book on how academia works?

Is there a (text)book on how academia or science works? What I'm looking for is not anecdotes and tips, but actual insights presented systematically, like any textbooks in every disciplines. This book ...
Ooker's user avatar
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Book with comprehensive description of (history and operation of) Harvard university

I really am not sure if my question falls under this Stack Exchange forum, but I am going to try. A friend of mine asked me if there is a book with some sort of comprehensive description of Harvard ...
MightyMouse's user avatar
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How much does it cost the publisher to transform the draft of a textbook as given by the authors into a final publication (for web or print)?

I wonder what are the actual costs of translating a manuscript of a textbook as given by the authors into a final publication (for web or print). I.e., ignoring the costs of marketing the textbook, ...
Franck Dernoncourt's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

How much does it cost the publisher to publish a book? [closed]

I wonder how much it costs a publisher to publish a book (textbook or research book). I'm looking for referenced numbers, not guesses. I am mostly interested in the fields of computer science and ...
Franck Dernoncourt's user avatar
4 votes
2 answers

How much does a publisher charge authors if they want to make their book open access?

Is there any research/study/survey that looked at how much publishers charge authors if they want to make their books (textbooks or research books) open access? I am most interested in the field of ...
Franck Dernoncourt's user avatar
32 votes
7 answers

How much revenue do academic authors make on their published books?

Is there any dataset that look at how much revenue academic authors make on their published books? I am aware of the question How much do Springer-Verlag authors make per book sold? but answers there ...
Franck Dernoncourt's user avatar