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U. Windl
  • Member for 5 years, 8 months
  • Last seen this week
7 votes

see the systemd boot logs?

4 votes

How to use dracut in chroot environment established through SLES15 Rescue boot image?

2 votes

Why are optical disc drives slower than hard disk drives?

2 votes

What's the history on the option separator of GNU sed?

1 vote

My luks encrypted image unlocks but fails to mount

1 vote

GRUB: Reboot PC after typing wrong password to decrypt OS partition

1 vote

Is there a way to revoke a GPG encryption key?

1 vote

KeePass does not offer `Open with Google Chrome`

1 vote

What should happen if I delete files in a BtrFS snapshot?

1 vote

Does systemd's forking service remove PidFile?

1 vote

How can I trigger a process on start (boot) and stop (shutdown, reboot) using systemd units?

1 vote

Is it safe to move a LUKS encrypted partition to another system and be able to use the same passphrase?

0 votes

What are the configs to change after you decrypt a LUKS encrypted partition?

0 votes

If a passphrase for a luks container is discovered, can that reveal another passphrase?

0 votes

Do keyboards have a selftest result indicated by LEDs?

0 votes

Increase Time to Brute Force Luks Full Disk Encryption

0 votes

What is module aes-i586?

0 votes

How to reliably stop services with systemd

0 votes

gnupg export secret key security concerns

0 votes

Disk error: physical (hardware) error or just filesystem?

0 votes

Opening a file, Writer complains "unable to lock file"

0 votes

How would I add a permanent blackhole route in SLES 12?

0 votes

Connecting SATA DVD drive to USB

0 votes

What would happen if I unplug the main SSD of my Computer while running? (Linux)

0 votes

net-snmp (VACM): How to exclude IF-MIB::ifPhysAddress table column from view?

0 votes

Is there a (simple) command to query the module that provided an installed package in SLE 15?

0 votes

Shell zip with unattended password

0 votes

Why cannot `ftp` program read a file in /tmp directory?

0 votes

How to use a non-contiguous range for diagram?

0 votes

rpmbuild complains about dependencies that are there