I'm using KeePass and Google Chrome (not plug-ins) for quite some time.

I have reinstalled my operating system (Windows 7) and both KeePass and Google Chrome and since then, when I right-click an entry and chose URL I don't have the Open with Google Chrome option - only internet explorer is available.

Seems like KeePass did not recognize Chrome - any idea how to fix it?

I re-installed KeePass but did not reinstall Chrome yet.

2 Answers 2


Reinstall Chrome, then set it as the default system browser instead of IE. That should hopefully do the trick.


It's still not available via the context menu, but you can change the URL to include the cmd:{GOOGLECHROME} prefix as described in the KeePass online help.

For example you can use cmd://{GOOGLECHROME} "https://www.example.com/".


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