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MJH's user avatar
  • Member for 7 years, 10 months
  • Last seen more than 5 years ago
12 votes

Is there a way to extract duplicate lines in Sublime Text?

6 votes

Preserve unsaved files when Sublime Text 3 application is closed

5 votes

Open empty Sublime Text window when launching from start menu

2 votes

How to combine texts values from multiple rows into a single cell in access queries

2 votes

Excel formula to alter cell's background color but keep its current value?

2 votes

Determine if multiple cells in row do not exist in another selection?

2 votes

Convert this date/time into actual date/time in Excel

1 vote

Tell If Local Table Is A Linked Table In A Separate Database

1 vote

Excel string calculation works...sometimes

1 vote

How to apply a formatting rule to a whole row based on a cell value

1 vote

Find first and last order date for ID (same id might appear multiple times) in Excel

1 vote

Return most recent value for particular reference number in Excel

1 vote

The RegReplace Sublime Text 3 plugin is not doing anything

1 vote

Specify how many hops back to go / prevent redirect returnining to current site

1 vote

MS. Word : Text enter on it's own (how to connect these sentences?)

1 vote

Change font size of author name in list of messages

1 vote

Specifing a specific column for an Excel find and replace script

1 vote

How do I put VBA Query Tables data in one Column?

1 vote

Excel grouping on chart labels by Date/Time instead of by Date

1 vote

Find all duplicates except the first one, then get values from a different column

1 vote

Run-time error '1004' Method 'Rows' of Object_Global failed

0 votes

An Excel 2010 Formula

0 votes

Excel Conditional Formatting based on Previous Cell

0 votes

Importing data from SQL to Excel adds apostrophe to string that begins with "="

0 votes

Sorting formulas that contain numbers and null values

0 votes

Copy Range of Data based on Cell Value

0 votes

Macro to Copy/Paste specific columns of a row into new worksheet depending on criteria

0 votes

batch not capturing hidden files