Can You Please help me in doing this: Please look at images below

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1 Answer 1


Since you mentioned you now have the ConcatRelated() function, you can use this query, which simply sums the Discount column for all rows, and uses ConcatRelated to concatenate the Reason values for all rows:

SELECT Sum(Discount) AS Total_Discounts
     , ConcatRelated("Reason", "Table1") AS The_Reasons
FROM Table1;

If you would like the query to create the Table2 table from your second screenshot, just add an INTO clause:

SELECT Sum(Discount) AS Total_Discounts
     , ConcatRelated("Reason","Table1") AS The_Reasons
INTO Table2
FROM Table1;
  • Can you please answer to my question, i posted it in a new answer. I will be thankful for you man Commented Nov 28, 2016 at 10:03
  • If I answered your question, please accept my answer. Also, a follow-up question that is too long to be posted as a comment should be posted as a new question, not as an answer to the original question. That is most likely the reason your "answer" was deleted. Once you have posted a new question, you can provide a link to it in another comment here, and that way I will be alerted to it.
    – MJH
    Commented Nov 28, 2016 at 18:46
  • Ok, Thank you I Accepted you answer It was The best answer for this question and its work. I will post a new question and provide you with the link here. Thank you again :) Commented Nov 29, 2016 at 5:28
  • I Post a new question. This is the link of the question: stackoverflow.com/questions/40861552/… Commented Nov 29, 2016 at 9:01

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